Friday, October 7, 2011


The number seven is a repeating theme in my life.  It is the day I was born. It is the day my father was born.  The seventh holds special meaning.  It is my favorite number as well. There is a Dave Matthews song and the title is Seven and I, of course adore it.
Anyways, the 7th of October is also special.  13 years ago Dennis and me began seeing each other exclusively on October 7th.  The love of my life came into the picture in August of that year when I began going to University of Memphis.  It seemed like a foreign place coming from Union because Union was so small compared to University of Memphis.  In a Western Civ. class, in the afternoon, Dennis sat a couple of seats behind me.  We started talking and became friends.  Then we began riding to class together after Dennis injured his ankle in a soccer game.  From there we started seeing each other after our first official date on September 21st.
In October, I knew I didn't want to see anyone else.  I guess he felt the same.  We have been together ever since then.  Through the ups, downs, and sideways of it all. We got married in May 2003, started our family in 2005 (hello Landon!), and added our sweet girl in 2009.  2010 was a year studded with change.
A year ago this week I packed up my car and headed to Florida.  I left Dennis and the kids for a month while he tied up loose ends and I found a place for us all to live.  We celebrated our 12th year together over the phone.  I am so glad this year we are able to spend this milestone together!

To this and many more! I love you Dennis! 

Sunday, August 21, 2011


From a young age I was taught to be kind.  To show kindness.  I guess I assumed most children were/will be taught from a young age how to treat others.
Today, I learned a difficult lesson.  Unfortunately, I learned this lesson while watching an unkind act unfold in front of me.  My son was the person to bare the brunt of it.  This was heartbreaking.  It made me angry.  It made me want to snatch up the kids and tell them a thing or two.
Landon had his meet and greet at school today.  He starts the first grade on Monday.  He is very excited. He approached two girls he knew from last school year.  They are both his age as well.  He said "hi" and asked if the girls remembered him. Both were rather rude and condescending for 6 year-olds.  Instead of being polite or humoring him, they mocked him.  A few minutes later I saw one of the girls purposely shove Landon and told him in an ugly tone to go away.
Needless to say, I was shocked at this rude, mean, and just unkind act.  Landon had his feelings hurt.  I asked him to brush it off so the girls get satisfaction in seeing him upset.

It made me ask, "what are kids being taught these days"?  If parents can not, will not, or do not practice or teach anything else when it comes to others, please teach your children to be kind.  Kindness can go a long way.  No one deserves to be treated unkindly for any reason.  
I am hoping Landon's first week of school goes better than his meet and greet!  Hopefully someone, some day will teach those little girls a lesson or at least give them a dose of their own medicine so they know how it feels.  Maybe then they will think twice about being so unkind to another person!

Off my soap box....moving on!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

On Turning 6...

Landon will be 6 years old tomorrow!  Time has flown, but we have loved watching him through the infant years, the toddler years, the pre-school years, and now we embark on a new journey of the elementary school years!
Luckily, we are in a grade "A" school system.  One of the bright spots about moving was the promise of a better school system than what we were facing with Memphis City/Shelby County schools.   Landon is looking forward to starting school in a couple of weeks.  We hope he feels the same when he has homework each night!
Landon was able to celebrate his Birthday with my parents last weekend.  He got an awesome set of bongos from my parents and a Florida Marlins hat from Uncle Doug.  
He has asked for a cookie cake decorated with Super Mario Brothers characters.  He calls them Super Mario Bros.  For his birthday dinner he has asked for pizza.
We haven't planned a party, but thought a nice day at the beach this weekend would be a good way to celebrate my baby boy turning 6!!! Hopefully the weather will cooperate. 
Landon has turned in to such a helpful child.  He is kind and polite (most of the time).  He loves his baby sister and is proud to say he is a big brother.  He has learned how to swim and is quite thelittle fish! He loves to read as well.  He has almost learned to tie his shoes solo, which is a big deal!
We look forward to what God has planned for Landon!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Like most people I know, I grew up with certain traditions in my family.  For as long as I can remember, Christmas Eve meant I received a new pair of PJ's.  Now, we give our children special PJ's on Christmas Eve.
Growing up my family would spend our summer vacation in Destin, Florida.  Most of my teen and early college years we would all make the trip to Destin to spend a week at the condo and soak up the Florida sun. Our trips were usually always the last week in July.  This meant we would celebrate my dad's birthday while on vacation. 
On our way back home we would stop in Pensacola to visit an aunt and uncle.  Our tradition was to stop and eat at this little place called Flounders.  My dad loves it and so do we. They have the best po-boys and a triple layer key lime pie! It makes my mouth water a little to think of it.
My parents left Coral Springs yesterday afternoon.  We had lunch together at one of our favorite new south Florida places, Flannigan's in Deerfield Beach.   My brother loved the dolphin fingers so much he ordered another serving of them (note: we do not eat Flipper, this is the dolphin fish). It was sad to have to say good-bye to them again.  It was very difficult last October and then again at Christmas.  It was no easier yesterday.
Today is my dad's birthday.  And as the tradition goes, on their way home to Memphis they stopped in Pensacola this afternoon to have lunch at Flounders with my aunt and uncle.  He had an oyster po-boy and shared a piece of key lime pie with everyone.  I hate I missed out on our family tradition.  Happy Birthday daddy! I miss you already!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


My parents and brother are in town this week.  The kids are loving it and my parents are just soaking up every minute they have with them.  We have had yummy meals and special time to spend with everyone.  Tomorrow night the kids will get royally spoiled for a few days.  I can only imagine they won't want to come home when Saturday rolls around!  Friday we hope to spend on a boat cruising around the ocean, drop anchor and play in the shallows, maybe even snorkel!
I have missed my family probably more than realized.  We haven't seen them since Christmas. It is so nice to know, at least for a few days, they are just a short 10 minute car trip away! Sure beats the 17+ hour haul we made in December!

Monday, July 25, 2011


We have tons of critters in Southern Florida.  Some are cute, others...not so much. We have the baby sea turtles, dolphins, even native parrots.  These animals I am completely fine with.

However, snakes (rattle snakes, coral snakes, cotton mouths, pythons, boa constrictors),  nile monitors & tegus (they are lizards-look them up, eeww!), palmetto bugs, jelly fish, and sugar ants I am not fond of. 
And, as a side note, if you haven't seen Swamp Wars yet, tune in and see what South Florida residents deal with.

After a decent day at work, I come home after running errands with the family to find a sugar ant invasion in our master bath! I am talking in the hundreds on the cabana bath door.  This is NOT what I wanted to have to deal with.  Dennis got the bug spray and it seemed to make it worse, not better.  The ants came out of no where!  So then we got bleach and tried to drown them with that.  Needless to say our next call was to our landlord.  The exterminator is coming tomorrow evening, which is not soon enough in my opinion. I would rather them be here now as I don't know how I am going to sleep knowing they can invade again over night. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Turtle Season

We live in a really cool area of Florida.  Each of the beaches near our home are also home to some unique and endangered species. There are three main types of sea turtles that nest in Southern Florida.  These are the leatherback, loggerhead, and the green sea turtles.
This weekend before heading to the beach we visited a Nature Park that also houses a sea turtle hospital.  We got to see one of the largest lobsters ever.  His name is Butter. The students at Florida Atlantic University who are studying marine biology care for him as well as some electric sting rays, and the cutest baby sea turtle hatchlings!  We visited the rehab center where the juvenile green sea turtles are infected with a virus where the turtles develop tumors (or growths) on various areas of their body. They use a very expensive laser to removed them.  The turtles then recover and are released when they are given a clean bill of health.  The researchers at the center suspect that mercury run-off and other pollution may contribute to these tumors growing. 
After leaving the nature park we went to the near-by state park and beach called Red Reef.  It is a jewel of a spot.  The beach was quiet and not too crowded.  The water was bath water clear, calm, and shallow enough for even Lou to enjoy.  Red Reef is home to just that...a coral reef.  Some of the reef is in the shallows and accessible off the shore.  The reef is home to fish, live coral of red, orange, and green, tons of sea snails and crabs of all sizes!  Further into the ocean the reef extends and even more creatures can be seen. One woman and her daughter even tried coaxing an eel out of the shadows of the reef! We found some shells to add to our growing collection as well.
An ever-present reminder of the sea turtles are the nests which are marked off all around the beach and shore.  The nests hold precious sea turtle eggs that are getting ready to hatch the babies that will make their way to the ocean from the end of July until mid-September.   We are hoping to catch a glimpse of the hatchlings in the near future!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Things I Am Loving...

It is now the rainy season in Florida. However, we have been able to squeeze in a day each weekend to do something fun without the rain totally keeping us indoors.
Lots to love.....
-I love the fact that if we want to go to the beach (or one of the beaches, as we have several to choose from), we just pack up and jump in the car and go! 20 minutes and there we are surf, sand, and sun!
-I am loving that we have a pool in our backyard and we can use it most any time we like, even if it is sprinkling outside!
-I am loving Landon's new found excitement over swimming! He has become quite the little fish!
-I love Lou's new fondness of the ocean and the waves! Her little laugh while in the water is priceless!
-I love it that my kids have an "up for anything" attitude and get excited even when we are just going to the local market!
-I love our kids routine at the local market.  First a cookie at the bakery counter and then to see the lobsters at the seafood counter! Always. in. this. order. (oh, and I love our fish guy! But not like you think.  He has the best advice and never steers me wrong when buying the local fresh fish!)
-Though I prefer sunny days, I do love hearing the rain fall on the palms outside our window.  It is such a mellow sound and a gentle reminder that we live in a "tropical" environment now! I still need pinching from time to time-surreal!
-I love Lou's hair! It is three shades of blonde and has the prettiest ringlets.  There is one curl on the left side of her head that is longer than the others and I don't have the heart to cut it!
-Speaking of hair, I love Landon's short hair cut.  It is so much easier to deal with and he looks so much older with shorter hair!
-I love our kids' tan lines! (don't worry they wear sunscreen!) But, those little sun-kissed backs and shoulders are too cute!
-I love Lou's new question "mamma, what ya doin?"
-I love how well Landon can read and that is going to first grade! No tears here, all smiles with such pride for my smart little man!
-I love our new church home, Church by the Glades!
-I love wearing dresses and sandals (who are we kidding, flip-flops) just about year round!

-I love that a year ago this month we made the decision to move to Florida and start a new adventure as a family! It hasn't been easy at times, but we are so blessed and so thankful to have this opportunity!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Point of View

I have to say I quite like this one from the lanai....

Friday, March 18, 2011

Five On Friday

I do not normally post these, but thought for a change I would...

1. I am so behind in my posts. Lou turned 2 March 2nd! We have had lots going on that I need to update on. She has a big girl bed, we are working on potty training, and her new favorite show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (slightly obsessed I would say).

2. My brother was in town last week for his spring break. We ate lots of seafood, went to the beach, and saw an awesome show at the Nectar Lounge. TR3 is Tim Reynolds band. Tim plays with Dave Matthews, so both Doug and me were stoked for the show, and it was free. Doug even met and has his picture taken with Tim and the rest of the band. Good times.

3. Today is the day before our fundraiser for my work. Cancer Research Network, which is a non-profit organization to fund cancer research and clinical trials in the community of South Florida, is having a firefighter auction at a local bar. We have been working very hard on this event and hope for a good turn out. I will be glad once it is all over and we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

4. Landon was on Spring Break this week. Dennis, Landon, and me went to the beach on Monday. Lou went to daycare so we could spend some time just with Landon. We made our first sand castle together and had a picnic on the beach. It was a nice afternoon with good weather.

5. I have been trying out some new recipes this week. One is a deconstructed french onion soup recipe. It is really simple and rustic, but very good. A nice vegetarian meal with a salad. I guess I should update the recipe blog as well.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What I am Loving Right Now...

So this post is a mash up between my awesome Valentine and the things I love about Florida!

I guess I will post the mushy stuff first....
Dennis and me have been married for seven years, almost 8. We have been together 11 years, which will be 12 in October of this year. Dennis still sometimes surprises me. It is difficult to do so with 2 kids and both of us working. It is even harder now that we are no where near family who can watch the kids or help out. But he some how manages to shock me from time to time.
Last week when getting in the car on the way to work a little love note was left for me by the husband. It was very sweet and made my day. Then Sunday Dennis planned for me to have a facial and a one hour massage. Here is the thing-he pulled it all off without telling me prior to the appointment. He entered the address into the GPS, told me to be ready to leave the house at 11am, and gave me a note that said not to open until a few miles from the destination. He didn't give any other details other than that. It was such a nice Valentine's gift. When I came home the house was picked up and the floors clean!

So things I am loving about Florida:
-driving with my top down in February!
-fresh, plentiful seafood (Valentines ceviche was awesome!)
-local produce, strawberries are really good right now!
-sky-writers! I love reading the little messages on clear days.
-salt air
-no sales tax on food! Coming from TN where the sales tax is 9.25%, I am very thankful for this!
-impromptu trips to the beach (we haven't quite done this yet as a family, but I am itching to go one afternoon for no reason at all and see the sun set!)

This is the life!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Island State of Mind

I know there are tons of people freezing their behinds off this winter. I have been fortunate enough to be in Florida and most of the time celebrate the days of winter with clear skies and sunshine. Of course, not every day is sunny. We do get rain and some chills from time to time. But I will gladly have those days as opposed to frigid temps, long commutes on icy roads, and all the other things that go along with a miserable winter.

Valentines Day is Monday. And though there are not any plans for a dinner date or a night out, I thought it might be nice to take advantage of the nice weather and plentiful, fresh seafood and try my hand at ceviche. So we will be trying out this Peruvian specialty along with some other fresh flavors for the day of love. I have planned the menu for the week as well and it includes some other dishes that feature seafood such as Thai Coconut Curry Shrimp. If any of them turn out like I hope, I will post them to my recipe site which has sat for quite a while without an update...oops!

This island state of mind is also thanks to us booking our vacation for this summer. We are headed to an all inclusive resort in Riveria Maya. I am really looking forward to spending our 8th wedding anniversary in a hammock on white sand beaches sipping some tropical fruity concoction. It is in May, but never too soon to plan, think, and dream.......

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Regarding my 31st year......

I have decided, I am stopping at 30.
Yes, last year I turned 30. Basic counting skills means this year I am 31. No big deal. I am not afraid of aging. But 30 was just such a good year, I am thinking to celebrate it all over again.

I know realistically stopping the hands of time is not possible. But I will at least embrace my 31st year like my 30th.

It started on Friday morning waking to clear blue sunny skies. Dennis and the kids gave me my cards and present before I even got out of bed. Landon made me a card complete with tons of red hearts he colored himself. Dennis held out a small turquoise box with a white ribbon perfectly tied around it. This iconic box meant only one thing-Tiffany & Co. I was puzzled as I hadn't even asked for anything for my Birthday this year. I opened the box and pulled out the little bag holding my treasure. The bag held a silver chain with a small silver charm with my initial engraved on it. Beautiful, dainty, and simple! I love it!!!

I went to work proudly wearing my present and received calls from my family. The girls in the office ordered lunch and we took an extended break enjoying the "island=time" like feel of the lazy Friday afternoon.

Friday evening I thought we were ordering in dinner and staying home. Husband had other plans. He arranged for a sitter. It happened to be one of the girls from my office. Such a sneaky one he is! He had been working on this scheme since Tuesday (I came to find out). I was looking up places to get take out from when the door bell rings. It was the sitter and the plan was unveiled. We went to dinner at Big Bear Brewery. The night was nice enough that we sat outside. It was nice to be out without the kids. We hadn't been out on a date just the two of us in such a long time. It was so unexpected as well! We even went all over creation in search for these cupcakes I wanted to try. We tried a couple of locations before pinning one down about 30 minutes away that had them. Now, normally I bake a cake for other people's birthdays, but this year I wanted something I didn't have to make! The night was nice and I was so shocked at the planning Dennis went through to make my Birthday so special.

This morning Dennis had one more present for me. He had scheduled flowers to be delivered to my office yesterday, but they never made it. He went this morning and picked them up. The bouquet is red roses and calla lilies-gorgeous!

So yes, I am living my 31st year like my 30th. With new eyes, new perspective, and new opportunity! I probably won't repeat the tattoo this time though (that is what I did last year). I know really out of character for me, but it is just a little fire dancer and I always wanted one. The only other one I would consider is an owl!

Tomorrow, Church by the Glades and perhaps a bike ride on our new beach cruisers (courtesy of ebay-thank you very much!). It has been a lovely Birthday. Here is to re-living my 30th year all over again!

New Year and a New State of Mind

We spent New Years eve by going to Ikea. We had never been but needed to get some things for the guest bed room so that our friends can hopefully visit in February or March. The place was insane! The prices were great and the selection overwhelming. We came away with some steals and I cannot wait to go back!

After our shopping excursion, we headed home. I began cooking our gourmet New Years meal. I had been wanting to try Beef Wellington. I did something I rarely do and followed a recipe. I prefer to experiment in the kitchen or take a basic recipe and add/subtract/change ingredients until it is barely the same as what I started with. This time I changed just a few things and spent 3 hours cooking a masterpiece. I love cooking in our kitchen. It is sleek and modern and comfortable. We had roasted asparagus, hot crab and spinach dip, and a lemon drop champaign cocktail. To top it off I made Dennis' favorite dessert which is chocolate pots de creme.

The night was nice and quiet. We made it until midnight, kissed goodnight and said hello to 2011. We are looking forward to this year. We are looking forward to exploring our new city, doing a few things to the house, and creating many memories here in Florida!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Christmas Tale.....

Once upon a time there lived a family with two children. One them was a little boy named Landon and the other a little girl named Natalee Louise, we will call her Lou for this tale.

It all began on a winter day in sunny Florida. The family had decided to go back to Tennessee to visit family and friends for Christmas. With the car packed and the children loaded up, off they went.

The journey would be a long one. 17 hours to be exact. The trip was not an easy one, as the mischevious little girl with curls would not take a nap. The little boy refused to sleep and constantly wanted to know when they would be in Tennessee. Once they arrived on Christmas eve at 5 in the morning, mommy and daddy settled down for a short winter's nap. That night they visited in family in Mississippi and let the kids stay up way too late.

Christmas morning was a flurry of activity and even a light dusting of snow. Lou got the cutest set of American Girl baby dolls and Landon got a Razor scooter. Both children were excited about their presents. The day was spent visiting grandparents and great grandparents.

That Sunday the mommy went to brunch with her friend from her old job and saw her best friend. Once the very short visits were over way too soon, the car was loaded once again, the kids put in the seats, and back to Florida the family went.

By the Monday after Christmas the family of four arrived in Florida at 8am. Mommy and daddy were both exhausted. The trip was short and sweet but worth it. And the family continued to live in sunny southern Florida happily ever after......

We had a nice Christmas back in Tennessee. The weather was cold and crisp and had that "it's going to snow" smell that I love. Our families were happy to see us arrive and sad to see us go.