Sunday, September 28, 2008

4 weeks and counting.....impatiently

I went to the doctor on Friday (9/26/08) for my monthly prenatal visit. Everything is going fine. Little owl's heartbeat was 152 and strong. My blood pressure was up a bit, but it was due to the sinus medication I have been on for about 2 weeks (got to love the weather in Memphis right now, everyone has sinus issues).

We went ahead and scheduled my next appointment for October 24th. This also happens to be when my cousin and his wife are due to give birth. They haven't found out the gender, so I am anxious to see this little one (for many reasons). His/her parents will be fantastic!

My appointment on the 24th will also include the "big" ultrasound. We will find out the gender at that time. I am very excited and cannot to see my little owl yet again on the big screen! Of course, my main concern is a healthy baby. But, I would love to find out that it will be a little girl!

So until then I am trying to keep busy (aka-shopping). We delivered a cake I made for a 1st Birthday party yesterday and then I took Dennis to see a couple of dresses I liked (thus the mention of shopping). We also went to see Fireproof last night with our Sunday school group. What a great movie with an even better message!

I got all dressed up this morning in a new outfit for our pastor to annouce our news that we were expecting. He has held off until we told our families. We have missed some Sundays due to morning sickness and general illness. The pastor forgot, so I had Dennis take some pictures of me and Landon (and baby).

So 4 weeks and counting until the "big" day....

Monday, September 22, 2008

3 years and counting...

Landon had his 3 year old check-up this past Friday. He was such a big boy! No shots this time; thank goodness! Instead of being below the growth chart curve (as he usually is) he is now at the 50th percentile for his age for height and weight!

The doctor bragged on how smart and talkative he was. She looked in his throat, ears, and mouth and he cooperated the whole time! Most kids are itching to leave the doctor's office. He didn't want to leave when were done!

Saturday we spent time with my (Lesley's) mom. Landon calls her Memaw. For those of you with infants and those approaching 1 and 2 years; yes there is a time when children are able to go to a restaurant (other than Chik Fil A and such) and be quiet and eat a civilized meal! I think we have reached that point. No, it wasn't some fancy french place, but TGI Fridays. Landon ate his meal and was quite and didn't pull everything off the table or the blinds off the window. He was so good we braved it again on Sunday afternoon and went out for pizza (Landon's choice). He was good again! I really hope this is the end of take out. Going out as a family was really nice. It was even better because I could enjoy lunch without the nagging reminder of morning sickness (for once)! I am sure Dennis enjoyed that aspect of it too!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Oh, I forgot...

So the new word Landon likes to use now is NOPE! So in our conversations, this is how it goes:

Landon, do you want mashed potatoes for dinner? "Nope"

Landon, do you want to go to bed? "Nope"

Landon, do you need to go potty? "Nope"

Oh, and he is fascinated with mommy's car. I (Lesley) am so pleased with this one!

He says, "Go in mommy's car?" and "Mommy's car, Mommy's car, Mommy's car" (he usually repeats this more than we would like to hear it, but oh well)

Just had to share. I am sure there is more I am leaving out that Dennis can remember. I guess that will be for another time!

The Good News.....

So I received a phone call from the nurse practitioner on Friday afternoon (9/5/08). I didn't have a kidney infection, but was told they thought I had over-done-it recently and needed to rest. I was already at home that afternoon because Ms. Morning Sickness decided to bother me on Friday worse than ever! I went into to work at 7am and stayed until noon. I just couldn't handle it anymore.

I am feeling a little better now. I am officially in the second trimester, so I am hoping morning sickness, fatigue, and all the lovely first trimester symptoms start to decrease.

On the flip side, I really don't have any bad news. So that's good too!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The week in review...

Well almost, it's not quite over but close enough.

I think I can almost safely say Landon is potty trained! Woohoo! No accidents and he had even stayed dry overnite a few times. I know this seems small but in mommy land this is huge. My baby is becoming such the big boy! Way to go Landon! If all goes well, mommy, daddy, and baby will be giving you another treat on Sunday (matchbox car, he loves them!)

I had an unexpected trip to the doctor yesterday. Everything is ok, but I am still waiting on the final lab report tomorrow. I may have a kidney infection (yippie for me, with sarcasm). So I have been quite uncomfortable and worried since I began having problems on Tuesday. Anyways, the baby is fine. Still measuring a couple days ahead by length at 12weeks and 4 days. They couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler so I had another ultrasound to make sure things were ok. The baby must be an acrobat-swimmer. The reason I say is because the baby was on it's head in a J-shape when we first were looking on the screen. Then the baby began kicking it's feet and moving it's arms like it was swimming. Very funny! So we will wait to hear what the weekend will bring with this possible diagnosis of a kidney infection.....

Work has been busy and I have been given some big tasks for completion by October. I am up for the challenge. I have also picked up quite a few patients. All but one are young and all are too adorable! The older one (a teen) is cute too! I am loving my job and I love working at St. Jude most of all.

Other than the normal pregnancy symptoms, fall TV shows beginning, and trying to figure out what to eat, I guess that's it!