Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bed Rest It Is...

Look's like Lou is trying to keep things interesting for us. As I mentioned before, I was in labor and delivery last Friday for issues. Though they improved a little, I am still having contractions and my blood pressure (though not as high when I was pregnant with Landon) is creeping up.
My doctor's solution was taking me off work. So here I sit at home, watching Food Network and thinking of all the things I could/should be doing. It's hard when you want to nest and are told to keep off your feet and not do any heavy lifting!
Oh well, it is for the best. If we can just make it a couple more weeks things won't be too bad for me or for Lou!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

An Early Trip to Labor & Delivery

I may add an unwanted one! Friday afternoon at work I wasn't feeling quite right. My co-worker commented on my flushed face. Not long after I had a nose bleed and a jump in blood pressure (one good thing about working with other nurses for sure!). I called my doctor and was told since I was feeling badly I needing to be taken to labor and delivery. I was told not to drive there. So Dennis came and fetched me from work. We got checked in and in a room by 4 and didn't leave until after 10 that evening.
The blood pressure turned out to be a non-issue. However, once on the monitors they discovered I was contracting every 3 minutes. I thought they were just the fake ones (known as Braxton Hicks). I was wrong. I was given IV fluids but they did not slow. I was then given Terbutaline injections twice. The medication is awful! I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. Though the contractions didn't stop, they slowed down enough and were small enough (not so intense). I was able to go home. Luckily the baby was fine through all of this. We are just hoping she stays put a little longer and continues to bake. I don't think we will make it to March 11th, but if we can at least hold off until she is 35 weeks I will be happy.
The contractions have continued over the weekend. Some are not that bad and others kind of stop me in my tracks. The doctor had no clue what was causing the contractions either. I head back to my OB this Friday (it may be sooner). I am hoping for at least a stable report!
Our last two weeks have been anything but uneventful. With Landon's seizures and my early labor issues, it has been quite something.
On a side note, Landon is doing much better. He is over his illness. No more fever. No more seizures. We are just hoping it will be a while if never that he has another seizure!
Hang on baby Lou, you need to bake a little bit longer!