Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What I am Loving Right Now...

So this post is a mash up between my awesome Valentine and the things I love about Florida!

I guess I will post the mushy stuff first....
Dennis and me have been married for seven years, almost 8. We have been together 11 years, which will be 12 in October of this year. Dennis still sometimes surprises me. It is difficult to do so with 2 kids and both of us working. It is even harder now that we are no where near family who can watch the kids or help out. But he some how manages to shock me from time to time.
Last week when getting in the car on the way to work a little love note was left for me by the husband. It was very sweet and made my day. Then Sunday Dennis planned for me to have a facial and a one hour massage. Here is the thing-he pulled it all off without telling me prior to the appointment. He entered the address into the GPS, told me to be ready to leave the house at 11am, and gave me a note that said not to open until a few miles from the destination. He didn't give any other details other than that. It was such a nice Valentine's gift. When I came home the house was picked up and the floors clean!

So things I am loving about Florida:
-driving with my top down in February!
-fresh, plentiful seafood (Valentines ceviche was awesome!)
-local produce, strawberries are really good right now!
-sky-writers! I love reading the little messages on clear days.
-salt air
-no sales tax on food! Coming from TN where the sales tax is 9.25%, I am very thankful for this!
-impromptu trips to the beach (we haven't quite done this yet as a family, but I am itching to go one afternoon for no reason at all and see the sun set!)

This is the life!

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