Friday, October 15, 2010

Falling In Love All Over Again....

The past couple of days have been dreary. The weather has been gloomy with clouds and showers. My sunny disposition also seemed to disappear with the change in the weather. I have had a rough couple of days coping with the extreme amount of change I am enduring. I miss my family and friends. I miss my morning conversations with Meghan and Sam. I miss hugging, kissing, and telling my children goodnight. I miss waking beside my husband. I miss my bed! Oh my glorious, sent from the heavens bed! How I cannot wait to sink into lovely bliss that is my own bed again!

I know other people transfer and leave their families behind for months on end (6, 8, 12, etc..) my measley little month and two weeks has felt like an eternity this week. But, the weather changes in Florida pretty rapidly, so upon waking this morning there was sun again. And just like that I immediately felt better.

I got ready for work knowing today is Friday and I am in need of a little adventure this weekend. Perhaps the Keys? Sanibel Island? Possibilities are endless folks!
In my refreshed state of mind I got ready for work, left my hair curly , and put the top down for my commute. Nothing better!

I text husband on my way in this morning. It said "Good morning. Sunny, top down, hair curly. Happy Friday."
He responded with "Good morning. All the things I love about you."

He really gets me. For me it is the little things that seem to brighten even the most mundane situatuions.
And just like that I fell in love with the boy all over again! After 11 years of being together he still knows how to make me smile.

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