Earlier, I was looking back at our bad a$$ Grizwold Christmas tree pictures from last year. The thing was humongous!!! I remember finding it and telling Dennis it was the perfect tree. And, it was. Perfect shape and height, a classic in my impeccable tree standards! It reminded me of the scene from Christmas Vacation where Clark cuts down a tree and brings it home only to have a flying squirrle or something of the sort attack him. This was that kind of Christmas tree. I seriously was thinking as big as it was something had to be hiding in it just waiting to pounce me while decorating the thing.....anyways, I digress.
The tree was
so full it could not pass through the bailer, so we tied it to the Rogue and drove slowly home to unload and bring in the beast of a tree. My brother came over and helped husband get it off the roof of the SUV and carry it inside. I think we estimated it was at least 12 feet tall. Gorgeous!
A couple of days later when the house was filled with the scent of the tree and the limbs had fallen just enough, we decorated the tree. I pulled out my favorite ornaments. Most are either shoes or owls. Isn't it funny how we remember where we acquired certain ornaments? Like the ballet slipper my grandmother gave me when I was a little girl, the snow owl ornament from my big sis, the hand-painted ornament from our honeymoon in St. Lucia, oh the list goes on.... I missed unpacking the ornaments this year and re-living just for a moment those times of my life that the ornaments represent. I miss the smell of a fresh-cut tree. I miss the tiny little lights that illuminate the house and make the most mundane Monday nights feel special while eating dinner with only the lights on the tree twinkling.

I have mentioned since we are traveling over Christmas we did not get a tree this year. We haven't really decorated except for some Christmas candles. We decided to keep it minimal since we were still unpacking from the move. But, I must admit it hasn't really felt much like Christmas yet. We are missing those tangible things that seem to put us in the holiday frame of mind. However, soon enough we will be in the midst of a crackling fire, a pretty lit tree, all with family and friends.
No matter who or what you may be missing this year, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Year!
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