But Ciao! sounds much better, don't you think?
After I started my new job in Florida I was given the opportunity to go to Berlin for an investigator meeting for a new study two weeks after arrival. Because I didn't have a recent passport (last one circa 1987), I passed up the chance. However, only a couple of weeks later I was presented with the opportunity to go to Venice, Italy. Of course my response was "when do I go?"
Off I went to get my new passport. It had to be expedited and done through a courier type service to have it in time for my December 1st departure. Several hundred dollars later I had my passport in hand 4 days prior to my trip!
I was so nervous to travel basically across the world by myself to a place I had never been. I knew very little Italian, but I was going! The trip was mainly for the investigator meeting not leaving much time for anything else. However, I was determined to see Venice in the small amount of time I had.
The trip was filled with chaos....I am now pretty sure that when I travel chaos follows me! I arrived at the West Palm airport early like any good traveler, checked in for the international portion of my flight only to be informed the morning flight (11:30am) never left West Palm due to some freak rain and wind storms in Newark. So the gate agents scrambled and got me on the already delayed flight since my 3:35pm was surely going to be canceled (dreaded word by the way, as well as delayed). I got to the gate in time to board and arrived in Newark only to be informed the 8-9 hour flight to Munich was delayed due to snow. So I left Newark at almost 11pm instead of 8:30pm. The international company who booked my travel was nice enough to put me in first class most of my trip. Let me just say, I never want to fly coach again! It was heaven. Business class on Lufthansa was awesome. The seats reclined to a full bed, had massage rs, personal TV, etc. I wasn't so sure I would sleep on the flight, but I did like a little first class baby! Upon arrival into Munich the next day all I saw was white. Snow blanketed every t
hing. Sure enough my already re-booked flight was then further delayed putting me into Venice at 6pm instead of noon due to the snow that seemed to paralyze most of Europe. That pretty much ate up all my sight seeing time. But I was determined to make the best of it!
I stayed at the Laguna Palace in Mestre 15 minutes outside of Venice. The hotel was very modern and had a canal running through the middle of it with an impressive marina. I got there in time to shower and change for the dinner reception which featured rustic Italian dishes and local wines. This foodie was in love with the calamari and spelt salad, fresh mozzarella and basil with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, etc...The meeting the next day was filled with more information than my jet-lagged brain could handle. But I pushed through and was able to arrange to be in Venezia before dark.
I arrived in Venezia via my Mercedes taxi {because that's how they role in Italy}, and began my search for San Marco Piazza and the Basicila of San Marco. It seemed easy enough, right? This is a huge tourist spot and on the list of things you must see. I fell immediately in love with the cobblestone streets and canals. I stumbled upon a man in a tiny shop making Murano glass jewelry. He was very talented and spoke hardly any English which made bargaining a chore as he had to punch the numbers on his cash register to tell me prices. I came away with some beautiful pieces for Christmas presents for family and friends.
I found charming little restaurants opening for dinner and impressive hidden old churches converted to art galleries. Some of the old churches appeared abandoned and yet still loved by many as I saw a couple kissing on the steps of one. Venezia is charming and romantic. I really wished my husband could have shared the experience with me.
As charming as Venice is, it all begins to look the same when dark outside. There are no street lamps to speak of, no street signs, and tons of alley ways to get lost in. So what did I do? You might have guessed...I got LOST. I am talking 4 hours straight up lost in the streets of Venice. I saw places I might not have seen otherwise, but never made it to San Marco Piazza or the Basilica.
While trying to figure out what turn I made that placed me near a large waterway with water taxis, I began thinking. {Keep in mind my dramatics} How will ever get back to the hotel? What happens when I don't make it in time to get my car back to the airport in the morning? (yes, I know excessive.) How will anyone ever find me? I don't speak Italian, my cell phone doesn't work in Italy and is d-e-a-d! So I just kept wandering around muttering to myself "stupid American, stupid American"; which I am sure was a spectacle of it's own.
I stopped in a small boutique hotel that was beautiful. In the midst of my stress, I didn't get pictures, but it had an atrium with small white lights strung above it and the displays on either side of the entrance were adorned with the Carnevale Masks which reminded me of the Phantom of the Opera masquerade scene. I asked the clerk at the desk how to get back to the bus station at the entrance of Venezia. In his thick Italian accent, he told me it was 10 minutes using the water taxi and an hour walking. I opted to walk it.
When I finally made it to where I could take a cab to Mestre I was a little sad my adventure had ended but greatful to be sitting down as I had walked at least 5 miles in HEELS! Yes, heels. Again I had to say "STUPID AMERICAN"!
I had wanted to eat at one of those charming little restaurants I had found while wandering around. By the time I had made it back to them, they were closing. I ended up ordering room service. Luckily the chef and staff were Italian, so I assured myself the food would be worth it, and it was. Caprese salad, risotto, and a flute of presecco were all served to me while I was in my PJ's. It was a nice to end to my trip. I would love the chance to go back to Italia one day and see the things I missed, but I wouldn't trade anything for the experience this stupid American girl had while lost in Venezia!
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