What started out as a simple visit to Memphis turned into a comedy of errors that has been my life for the past few days. When planning to see the husband and the kids, we decided I would use FedEx's standby flight program. Dennis has used it several times in the past without difficulty, so it seemed like a good option...
I say it "seemed" like a good option, because in reality, it was a terrible idea! I spent Thursday at the Fort Lauderdale airport only to be bumped off 4 flights. I later found out that due to weather Atlanta had 3 days prior there were still delays. So I made it to Atlanta and was told since I was on the delayed flight I couldn't fly out until the next morning (missed the last connector). This was unacceptable and being the determined person I am, I rented a car, bought 2 16oz sugar free Red Bulls, and drove the 5 hours to Memphis. I pulled in the drive at 5:30am; just in time to tell my kids good morning. Priceless!
I spent time with family and friends while at home. I was able to see the kids in their costumes at the FedEx trick-or-treat outing. I had a much needed Target run with Emily and brunch with Meghan and Sam. I loved on my kids, cooked probably one of the last meals I will prepare in our home in Tennessee, and slept in my glorious bed! The time, though brief was well spent.
Sunday afternoon it was back to the airport to return to Florida. That plan was a major F.A.I.L!!! I spent from 2pm until after 7pm waiting to get on a flight. Needless to say, I never got on a flight nor made it out of Memphis because AirTran over-sold all of their flights by 10% due to a sale they ran on fares over the weekend. So back home I went. I got to kiss the kids goodnight once more and prepared to fly out with real tickets this morning.
3:30 came very early this morning. I said my goodbyes again and began my return trip to Florida. I had to fly into West Palm Beach or risk a midnight arrival. This wouldn't have been such an isssue, however my car was at the Fort Lauderdale airport where I initially departed.
Here is where the train comes in. I took the Tri-Rail to retrieve my car. The Tri-Rail is the train and tram system in southern Florida (from West Palm to Miami). It is confusing at best and took the better part of two hours what normally takes about 30 minutes on I-95 to drive. But eventually I made it to the Fort Lauderdale airport, found my car, and was finally back in my new home!
It looks like Dennis and the kids will be joining me in our new home in Florida by November 15th! I cannot wait!!!
1 comment:
Good grief! That makes me tired just reading it!
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