At the end of April (I know, long time ago), we traveled to Florida. I was offered a position with a physician I met a couple of years ago. The timing wasn't right then, but now something told us to go ahead and see what it was all about.
It was a whirlwind trip, but we learned a lot. Like, people in Florida have two speeds when they drive (a) slow (b) fast. There is no medium pace. We also learned that traffic lights last a century there. So what part of Florida, you ask? Well the area I would be taking care of patients in is between West Palm Beach and Hollywood, Florida. This is a good stretch of land! Being so vast the selection of areas to live in is also large. The market in Florida is favorable to buy a home right now, so that is a plus for us.
Though we are still working out Dennis' job, selling our home and buying a new one, and moving, we are pushing forward with plans to move. We are just praying all works out for the best even if Florida is not meant to be.
Lou is now 15 months old and has learned to say "thank you" and "no". We are not as happy about "no" as we are "thank you", but she becomes more and more animated every day! We love that her little personality is blooming and her hair is finally growing! She weighs 21 pounds and is 31 inches long. Landon graduated from pre-kindergarten in May and has been enjoying summer camp and karate. He also completed his first season of soccer in May and won the "most spirited" award!
We celebrated 7 years of marriage on May 30th! On June 15th we took a road trip to St. Louis for a Cardinals game and then to see Dave Matthews Band on June 16th. The game was fun and the concert was awesome (as usual)! We went to the St. Louis zoo and pet sting rays which we really enjoyed. We also visited a local winery called Little Hills and did the Anheuser-Busch tour the day we left. It was a nice vacation but we could have done without all the traffic that St. Louis had to offer. We are talking major traffic jams and accidents at 3 in the afternoon!
So what are our plans for July? We are going back to Florida at the end of the month to look at some homes. Though it wasn't planned, we get to see Dave again! I, of course, am beyond thrilled! Dennis got a call from Reverb this week. This is a company in charge of environmental awareness campaigns done at concerts. I signed up to volunteer for Reverb at the Dave show in West Palm Beach when we are scheduled to be in Florida. We got chosen! Best news is we get to see Dave for FREE!!!! So I am beyond excited to see Dave again this summer since the boys are taking 2011 off! This will be the first time in 20 years that Dave will take the summer off and not tour. Sad though I may be about next summer since we go every year, I cannot wait to see Dave again and volunteer for the green efforts that Dave supports!
So lots of decisions still to be made and lots to do before the fall. Who knows, we may just have a new zip code by then!!!!!!!!!!!!
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