While on our honeymoon in St. Lucia we visited the botanic gardens there. It was beautiful and lush and situated in the rain forest area of the island. The flowers and plants were gorgeous. I fell in love with one in particular, the angel trumpet (this is it's common name, not the species name of course). Once back home, we were doing some landscaping. I came across a local nursery who grew angel trumpets. I was elated! That first year I planted a white one, a year later a yellow, and last year a pink one (hard to find!). The pink one was such a young plant I had to wait until this year for it to bloom. The heat and humidity in Memphis is one thing that is great for this thriving and hearty plant!
The other morning Dennis came in from watering the garden and told me the pink angel trumpet had blooms. At first I thought they were going to be white but another day passed and t
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