We have had an eventful week, but not one we want to re-live any time soon (or ever really). We got a call on Tuesday from daycare that Landon had a fever. I thought, no big deal, take him to the doctor and figure out the cause and all would be fine. Not so much. We go to the doctor and they tell us he has the beginnings of bronchitis and to treat with antibiotics and motrin. On our way we went to get the medicine.
We were over half way home when we noticed Landon got really quiet. Then we noticed a strange noise. We look back at him and he is having a seizure. We pull over, call 911, and are taken via ambulance to the hospital for evaluation. Landon had a seizure when he was 1 1/2 that was due to high fever. This seizure was similar to the first one. Upon arrival to the hospital we found out Landon's temperature was 104. We aren't sure how high it was when he had the seizure. Febrile seizures are not caused by how high the fever but how quickly it rises or even falls. It was just such a shock to know it was 104 in the ER.
Needless to say we have been watching him closely. Because he has now had 2 seizures he is more prone to getting another one when he has fever. This news is very unsettling.
This is the part that I am not so happy I am a nurse. Knowing too much is as bad as knowing nothing. We go back to the doctor this afternoon for a check-up and to see if anything else needs to be (neurologist visit, etc). Not to scare any of you moms out there, but I just wanted to ask for your thoughts/prayers during this time.
I hope the doctor's visit is a good one, considering the circumstances. When I first had Wyatt, I learned about these fever issues. The scary thing is that I was told how uncommon it was and now you are the fifth person (with a boy) that has suffered from this! Scary! Hope things get better really soon!
I hope Landon is doing better! I know that had to be scary for you all.
I got your message on my blog and wanted to let you know that I would love to make a dress with the fabric as soon as I learn how. I will let you know when I start making them. :)
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