The number seven is a repeating theme in my life. It is the day I was born. It is the day my father was born. The seventh holds special meaning. It is my favorite number as well. There is a Dave Matthews song and the title is Seven and I, of course adore it.
Anyways, the 7th of October is also special. 13 years ago Dennis and me began seeing each other exclusively on October 7th. The love of my life came into the picture in August of that year when I began going to University of Memphis. It seemed like a foreign place coming from Union because Union was so small compared to University of Memphis. In a Western Civ. class, in the afternoon, Dennis sat a couple of seats behind me. We started talking and became friends. Then we began riding to class together after Dennis injured his ankle in a soccer game. From there we started seeing each other after our first official date on September 21st.
In October, I knew I didn't want to see anyone else. I guess he felt the same. We have been together ever since then. Through the ups, downs, and sideways of it all. We got married in May 2003, started our family in 2005 (hello Landon!), and added our sweet girl in 2009. 2010 was a year studded with change.
A year ago this week I packed up my car and headed to Florida. I left Dennis and the kids for a month while he tied up loose ends and I found a place for us all to live. We celebrated our 12th year together over the phone. I am so glad this year we are able to spend this milestone together!
To this and many more! I love you Dennis!