As the morning of Friday, October 2 approached I. Was. A. Mess! A mess of emotion and thought. I spent the night before packing (or should I say shoving) the belongings I thought I would use/need into the mustang. I spent the night before in a daze as it still did not feel possible I was leaving home. I was leaving everyone and everything behind to start this new life. A life for now that was unplanned, except for a place to stay and a new job, I had no other plans for the month.
I woke up that morning and went about my usual routine only to realize it wasn't routine at all. I had to say goodbye to Dennis that morning. I had to kiss my children and make it last for a month. I had to remember their expressions and what little is left of that baby smell Lou is growing out of. It was a tearful parting between me and the husband as I pulled out of our drive.
I met my mom for breakfast. She kept a neutral expression trying to not upset me or cry herself. Half-way through french toast, my dad came in telling me he needed one more hug before I left. The flood-gates opened and I cried. After my dad left, Dennis followed behind him not five minutes later saying he needed to tell me bye one last time. In the middle of the restaurant I was a mess of tears. Dennis says I left a water stain on the carpet from all the crying. Thanks, honey....
I hugged my mom and said goodbye crying once again. I made it to my last destination (albeit, make-up removed by tears) the salon. Because a girl cannot start a new adventure without a fresh trim and a manicure/pedicure (thanks mom!).
So the drive began. I was off on my own for the first time for a very long trip. I turned up some tunes (DMB predominantly, of course), made a couple of calls along the way, and soaked in the feeling of anticipation over all of it.
As a child and growing up my dad would drive us to Destin, Fl for summer vacation. We always went the same route. My favorite part of the trip was the drive through Bankhead Tunnel in Mobile, Al. You start the drive through the tunnel on land and end up on the highway surrounded by ocean. I felt so grown-up (at 30 years old) driving through the tunnel and across the ocean by myself. I stopped over night in Pensacola to visit my aunt and uncle before completing the trip to my condo in Delray Beach. I made it to the condo at about 10pm that Saturday. I was exhausted and exhilerated at the same time.
It has been a little over a week now. I am still trying to settle in but I already love it here. The sunny almost too perfect blue cloudless skies, the palms and their gentle sway, the salt air-it doesn't take much to draw you in.
I think husband was right when he said I am a beach girl....