I know it has been a while since I have done an update. Though no excuse is a good one, or that is what my mom says; I do have one:
I have had and still have pneumonia. Yes, you heard right. It all started with a nagging cough and then a fever of 103-104 that would not go away. I thought for sure I had the flu. I tested negative, but the doctor said the test was only 80% acurate so I was given medication to treat me as if I had it. Days passed and I still had a fever and was actually getting worse. So back to the doctor I went. They did a chest x-ray and determined I had bilateral pneumonia. Ouch! I missed 6 days of work. I went back to the doctor last week and was told I still have pneumonia but more on the right than the left. I tire easily but am at least back at work. We are hoping when I go back for another chest x-ray in a week or so that it has cleared.
On to more fun things though. Lou is almost 7 months old now. She weighed 14 lbs and was 24 inches long at her 6 month check-up. She is at 10% on the growth chart for both height and weight. She has also had her first ear infection. If it would not have been for her check-up I don't think we would have known. She wasn't fussy or anything (luckily). She is pushing up on all fours and rocking back and forth. She is scooting some, so crawling should not be too far behind! She still does not have any teeth. But they are on the brink of breaking through; very soon we hope!
To cap a stressful, busy, and exciting couple of weeks we went to Disney on Ice over the weekend. Both kids loved it. We loved it because it was free. Dennis won tickets through facebook! Landon loved the Cars part and Lou enjoyed all the pretty colors and sounds.
Fall is officially here! We are looking forward to a few games in Oxford at the Grove (Hotty Toddy!) and the new exhibit opening at the Memphis Zoo, Teton Trek. Of course, right around the corner is Halloween and Zoo Boo!