Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This little piggy...

Went to market....
Ok, we all know how it goes. What I really cannot fathom is the fact that we are dealing with a world-wide health issue. This problem stems from an area of poverty with little or no access to proper health care. Supposedly, a small village in Mexico was where the "swine flu" illness originated.

The name "swine flu" is incorrect because really the A-H1N1 2009 flu is a combination of the human flu, avian (bird) flu, and swine flu. Though many Americans are vaccinated each year, the vaccination may not prevent the A-H1N1 2009 flu.

It seems like our European/International counter-parts are taking proper precautions by screening at airports, providing face masks, denying imports of pork/pork products (even though the meat is supposedly not the vehicle for transmission), and suspending travel in/from Mexico. Though it is obviously too late to contain the virus in Mexico, I think America is missing a valid point.

My rationale stems from a local news report I just read. It makes me angry to think we are doing nothing in Memphis, TN to keep the transmission of this virus at bay. Basically we are welcoming the big, bad germs to our city with open arms and with southern hospitality (like we normally do). "Welcome ya'll, come on in, make yourself at home". I can just hear us saying...
Greyhound bus brings at least 5 buses into Memphis each day that come directly from Mexico or by way of Houston, Texas. A woman was interviewed today after arriving in Memphis from vacation in Mexico with her daughters. Both of her daughters were exhibiting symptoms of a virus (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea). The sad thing is that woman's daughters exposed every man, woman, and child on the bus to a virus, and possibly the A-H1N1 2009 flu. Not only did they expose everyone on the bus, they have exposed those at the bus stations, those innocent people at gas stations, those at places to eat along the way while traveling, each wash-room they used, and now into the city of Memphis. And, I have to wonder how often this woman, her daughters, and everyone else on the bus washed or sanitized their hands. I am sure not often enough! So with every surface they have touched/will touch along the way they are infecting others. Again, WELCOME to MEMPHIS A-H1N1 FLU!
Come on, America, let's use a little common sense and at least stop travel coming in from Mexico without proper screening. Let's screen at airports/bus stations/train stations and not allow travelers with symptoms to visit our city without testing/quarantine/treatment. If Europe and other international cities are following these guidelines, why aren't we? What makes America any different/better than them? Nothing, we are all humans. We all have germs and can get each other sick.

So, what now? For heaven's sake people, please WASH YOUR HANDS, COVER YOUR MOUTH and NOSE WHEN SNEEZING/COUGHING, SEE A DOCTOR IF SICK, STAY HOME OR KEEP YOUR KID AT HOME IF YOU/THEY ARE ILL. This news report I read hits home that it is really already too late to prevent the H1N1 Flu from invading our city or anyone else's for that matter.

Well, I guess I can get off my soap-box now and go wash up with it. I have no idea where all the little piggies have been today.......

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Time Flies-We have a daughter!

I have fallen behind in my posting, but for good reason. We welcomed Natalee Louise "Lou" Thompson into the world on March 2,2009 at 6:36pm. She weighed 7lbs 9oz and was 20 inches long. Her arrival was eventful, or should I say the days leading up to her arrival were eventful.

I was placed on bed rest at 33 weeks for pre-term labor and pregnancy induced hypertension (high blood pressure). I went into the hospital 3 times for observation due to the issues that placed me on bed rest. The Friday (2/27) and the Sunday (3/1) prior to Lou's arrival I spent in the hospital because of my high blood pressure. That Saturday (2/28) we received a blanket of snow in Memphis. I came down with a sinus infection that weekend and was miserable from that as well as being so incredibly pregnant! It seemed every time I went in to the hospital my blood pressure would decrease enough to be able to go home. However, on that Monday while at my weekly visit, my blood pressure was elevated again and my doctor thought it best to go ahead with an emergency c-section to make sure baby was ok.

The c-section went well. Lou came out just fine and was healthy with apgars of 9/9. My blood pressure and slight swelling resolved almost immediately after delivery. Because of the sinus infection, I lost my voice. I greeted guests and nurses with nothing more than whisper. But, I was happy to finally meet my little girl! We both did so well we were able to go home less than 48 hours after birth.

Since then, we have been getting settled in as a family of 4 now. Landon is a great big brother and even helps with diaper changes! Dennis was home for the first week and half, which was wonderful.

At her 2 week check-up Lou weighed 7lbs 5oz. She is a very good eater, but seems to be following her brother's footsteps in being a slow gainer. She is now one month old and weighs 7lbs 10oz which is above her birth weight, but not quite enough to make the doctor happy, so we will be working even harder to see if she can put on some more weight.

Over the past few weeks we have enjoyed walks in the stroller, outings to Babies R Us and Target, dinner with grandma, and lunch with meemaw, the aunts, and cousins Kathy and Garrett. Lou has begun smiling, sticking our her tongue, and tracking objects with her eyes. She hates having her diaper changed and is not fond of changing clothes either.

Mommy heads back to work on April 20th :( Lou will be in good hands though, as meemaw will be watching her until daycare can take her (she has been on the waiting list since we found out we were pregnant last August!)

Landon got accepted into the kindergarten program. He will begin K-4 in August! I am so proud of him! He is growing and learning everyday. He says the blessing each night before dinner and now remembers to thank Jesus for his baby sister too!

Spring is finally upon us! We are looking forward to Lou's first trip to the zoo this weekend (weather and pollen permitting!)