We went ahead and scheduled my next appointment for October 24th. This also happens to be when my cousin and his wife are due to give birth. They haven't found out the gender, so I am anxious to see this little one (for many reasons). His/her parents will be fantastic!
My appointment on the 24th will also include the "big" ultrasound. We will find out the gender at that time. I am very excited and cannot to see my little owl yet again on the big screen! Of course, my main concern is a healthy baby. But, I would love to find out that it will be a little girl!
So until then I am trying to keep busy (aka-shopping). We delivered a cake I made for a 1st Birthday party yesterday and then I took Dennis to see a couple of dresses I liked (thus the mention of shopping). We also went to see Fireproof last night with our Sunday school group. What a great movie with an even better message!
I got all dressed up this morning in a new outfit for our pastor to annouce our news that we were expecting. He has held off until we told our families. We have missed some Sundays due to morning sickness and general illness. The pastor forgot, so I had Dennis take some pictures of me and Landon (and baby).
So 4 weeks and counting until the "big" day....