In case some haven't heard, Ole Miss beat the University of Memphis yesterday!!!!!! Needless to say, I (Lesley) am rubbing it in just a bit (sorry Dennis, kind of). Yesterday as a lot of fun! It was hot but we coped. We had a great time enjoying good friends, good company, and yummy food as the old Southern tradition in the Grove continued.
If you haven't ever experienced tailgating in the Grove, it is an experience! The tents in the Grove go beyond what the eye can see (seems to go on for miles). Most are decorated in the red and blue Rebel theme to the 9's. There are chandeliers hung in the tents, more food than you can imagine, and for the first time yesterday I even saw a hired bartender serving guests at one of the tents.
And don't even get me started on the attire for the students at Ole Miss (I could go for days)! But a little taste of it is most of the guys dress in red or blue dress pants, white button downs, and wear a tie or a bow tie in the matching Rebel theme. Some of the pants even have the Rebel mascot on them! This trend seems to be even more the case with the fraternity and sorority pledges (I saw lots of cute Chi Omegas yesterday). The girls wear party dresses (I am serious here folks). No t-shirt and jeans for these ladies. They wear heels that make my feet hurt just looking at them and dresses that are so uncomfortable for the event (cute none-the-less). But, it is all in the sake of fashion as the Grove becomes a virtual catwalk prior to the game.
The day was tiring for this pregnant lady but so well worth it. We look forward to at least attending a couple more this fall (bring on the cooler weather).
And, if the Rebels don't win the game, that's ok. They have never lost a party! Hotty Toddy!!!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Our little owl...
We went back to the doctor yesterday. Everything checked out fine with mommy and baby (owl #2). We had another peek (ultrasound) at the baby and he/she was waving at us. We were 11 weeks and 1 day per my original due date, but the baby was measuring 2 days ahead at 11 weeks and 3 days.
Things have been busy lately with Landon's 3rd Birthday, our trip to Branson, my (Lesley) 10 year highschool reunion (I am old!), and this weekend the opening college football game for us Ole Miss vs University of Memphis. Go Rebels (yells Lesley)! Go Tigers (yells Dennis)! (shh! Ole Miss will win!!!) Yes, we are a house divided!
Anyways, I digress! I have also been doing a lot of research and review on baby stuff and decor. This has of course revolved around the baby being a girl. Not that we know yet, but it's fun to daydream! It makes our wait of another 8 weeks go by a little faster!
Things have been busy lately with Landon's 3rd Birthday, our trip to Branson, my (Lesley) 10 year highschool reunion (I am old!), and this weekend the opening college football game for us Ole Miss vs University of Memphis. Go Rebels (yells Lesley)! Go Tigers (yells Dennis)! (shh! Ole Miss will win!!!) Yes, we are a house divided!
Anyways, I digress! I have also been doing a lot of research and review on baby stuff and decor. This has of course revolved around the baby being a girl. Not that we know yet, but it's fun to daydream! It makes our wait of another 8 weeks go by a little faster!
Monday, August 25, 2008
A great loss...
For those who know me well (Lesley), know I am an avid Dave Matthews fan. Both me and Dennis and my brother Doug had the great pleasure of hearing the late Leroi Moore (sax player for the band) play in 2006 at the Starwood in Nashville. We missed the show last year because Starwood closed and there was no where close to us to see them last summer.
Leroi Moore (46 yrs old) passed last Tuesday 8/19/08 from complications of an ATV accident he suffered in late June of this year. Leroi was one of the founding members of the band and was incredibly talented (beyond what words could do justice). He was recovering in LA and about to begin physical therapy when he unexpectedly had to be admitted to the hospital. Sadly, he did not recover this time.
We were at the show August 2nd of this year at Auto Zone Park. Unfortunately, Leroi wasn't going to be able to play a show until November (that was what his doctor's projected). It is amazing listening to Dave Matthews how much Leroi added. His God given talent to reach people with his music was just phenomenal. He was a mentor to young muscians as well. Right now I think of his immediate family and the band and pray for their peace and comfort. I also think of his extended family, the DMB fans. I know he is already greatly missed by many.
The greatest story I have heard thus far is that the band has kept playing. Even on the night of his passing they played to a somber crowd in LA. Reports from the latest shows have been so uplifting. The band has been playing for Leroi, sharing stories, and exhibiting such passion in their music.
Leroi Moore is a great loss to us all. He leaves a great memento for us all, his music.
Leroi Moore (46 yrs old) passed last Tuesday 8/19/08 from complications of an ATV accident he suffered in late June of this year. Leroi was one of the founding members of the band and was incredibly talented (beyond what words could do justice). He was recovering in LA and about to begin physical therapy when he unexpectedly had to be admitted to the hospital. Sadly, he did not recover this time.
We were at the show August 2nd of this year at Auto Zone Park. Unfortunately, Leroi wasn't going to be able to play a show until November (that was what his doctor's projected). It is amazing listening to Dave Matthews how much Leroi added. His God given talent to reach people with his music was just phenomenal. He was a mentor to young muscians as well. Right now I think of his immediate family and the band and pray for their peace and comfort. I also think of his extended family, the DMB fans. I know he is already greatly missed by many.
The greatest story I have heard thus far is that the band has kept playing. Even on the night of his passing they played to a somber crowd in LA. Reports from the latest shows have been so uplifting. The band has been playing for Leroi, sharing stories, and exhibiting such passion in their music.
Leroi Moore is a great loss to us all. He leaves a great memento for us all, his music.
College Days.....
My baby brother left for college this past Friday. He is attending Middle Tennessee State University. It feels odd to say my baby brother is going to college for a couple of reasons, 1-it even further confirms I am getting older (I may feel 23 at times, but 30 is knocking on my door), 2-my baby brother isn't a baby anymore. I know he hasn't been a baby for a long time, but still it's hard to believe the little guy I used to babysit, take to school, etc. is now a college freshman. I pray he keeps his head on straight, learns a lot, laughs even more, and comes away with one of the best experiences of his life. He deserves it!
Mom and dad are now officially empty-nesters. I wonder how they are feeling today???
Mom and dad are now officially empty-nesters. I wonder how they are feeling today???
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Out on the open road....
We took our first family vacation this past weekend. We left Memphis last Thursday 8/14 and drove to Branson, Missouri. Now, I know what you are thinking, Branson? Don't older people go there? Well, yes and no (I will get to this later).
So off we went on our little journey with Landon situated in the back with the DVD player and his toys, me driving (pregnancy makes me carsick!), and Dennis dozing next to me.
The trip there was fine until we hit rain and mountains and then I was little freaked out. Once arriving in Branson we traveled up the mountains to a resort my parents were staying at. It was really nice. We were tucked away from the main drag of Branson, so it was really peaceful.
Landon opened his Birthday presents (he turned 3 on 8/12) when we arrived. He was so
excited! My dad got him a fishing pole, I think he carpet fished for a good 2 hours that night.
He also got an acoustic guitar. He loves to play my brother's when he visits memaw and grandaddy, so my mom bought him his own. We went to sleep not long after that in preparation for a busy Friday!
Friday morning we spilled the beans! My parents were not aware we were expecting, so Landon put on his "I'm the Big Brother" shirt and showed memaw. It took her a while, but then she asked "are you expecting?". Needless to say breakfast was filled with baby chatter. Later on in the afternoon, Dennis and me played golf at John Daly's course, Murder Rock. It was a lot of fun. We even saw a wild turkey on the cart path!
Landon and grandaddy went fishing. Landon caught his first fish! We are go
ing to have it mounted. I know it sounds a little odd, but Landon is so proud of that fish!
Saturday Dennis, my brother Doug, and me played golf at another really nice course called Ledgestone. Since Doug was a "beginner" I did a lot of laughing. But so did he! It was a fun morning.
Later in the afternoon we took went on a boat ride on Table Rock lake. It was so pretty that afternoon. Landon "swam" in the lake for the first time ever. I say "swam" because he spent most his time glued to my face! .JPG)
Sunday we got up to return home and Landon said go swim? Go catch fish? Go on the boat? I giggled. But it was time to go home. We had a great trip and avoided the "strip" in Branson, for the most part. It was good to spend time with the family and enjoy some time away.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hair Cuts and Grape Juice...
Oh my.
So here's how our week a couple of weeks ago began and ended. On Sunday evening Dennis and me decided it was time for our little man to get a trim. I have done it before when it was just a tiny trim, but he needed a full blown hair cut (he was looking kind of shaggy). So off I went to get the scissors and then needed the electric trimmer with the guard as I was afraid of turning Landon into Van Gough.
Everything was going fine. Landon wasn't liking it much, but what can you do? So Dennis held him his lap and I turned to get the scissors off the counter (safety first) for the last time. As I did this Landon picked up the electric trimmer (remember what I said about safety first?) Turned it on, and proceeded to trim off his left side burn. In a split second it was gone. I mean completely. So I frantically worked to try and fix his "new" style into one people wouldn't question. Such as, "who did that to his hair?", "oh, did he get gum in his hair", "poor kid, some one needs to tell his parents there are trained professionals who can cut his hair". Not that it made it any better really. So Landon now has started a brand new trend in hair styles. Not one I would recommend, though.
From now on, our lovely stylist from the UK, Belinda will be cutting his hair!
And now on to grape juice.....
So, we normally allow Landon to drink his sippie cup in his room prior to going to bed each night. Dennis had given him grape juice as he has many times before. This night was no different, so we thought. About 10-20 minutes later Dennis goes to Landon's room to get him ready for bed. He says "Lesley you need to come see this". This is normally something Dennis says when Landon does something funny. I was hesitant but then got up from the couch and went to Landon's room. I saw GRAPE! I saw grape juice everywhere!!! On the TV, on the armoire, on the chest of drawers, on the bed, on his linens, on his toy box, and all over the beige carpet.
Apparently Landon wanted to do his impression of Jackson Pollok in the medium of grape juice. Landon had spit his grape juice out all over his room. It was 20 plus spots. Oh my gosh! So two hours on my hands and knees scrubbing and the longest time out of Landon's life, we determined we needed professional assistance. So two days later our friends the carpet cleaners came out and got up the rest of the grape juice.
In the meantime, Landon was punished with no TV the following day, no toys, books, or stuffed animals in his room. I know it sounds drastic but he disrespected his belongings and we couldn't think of any other way to teach him a needed lesson.
We think Landon got it, at least he said he did. I asked him to you get it? He said "I sorry, I get it, I get it". I couldn't help but laugh!
So here's how our week a couple of weeks ago began and ended. On Sunday evening Dennis and me decided it was time for our little man to get a trim. I have done it before when it was just a tiny trim, but he needed a full blown hair cut (he was looking kind of shaggy). So off I went to get the scissors and then needed the electric trimmer with the guard as I was afraid of turning Landon into Van Gough.
Everything was going fine. Landon wasn't liking it much, but what can you do? So Dennis held him his lap and I turned to get the scissors off the counter (safety first) for the last time. As I did this Landon picked up the electric trimmer (remember what I said about safety first?) Turned it on, and proceeded to trim off his left side burn. In a split second it was gone. I mean completely. So I frantically worked to try and fix his "new" style into one people wouldn't question. Such as, "who did that to his hair?", "oh, did he get gum in his hair", "poor kid, some one needs to tell his parents there are trained professionals who can cut his hair". Not that it made it any better really. So Landon now has started a brand new trend in hair styles. Not one I would recommend, though.
From now on, our lovely stylist from the UK, Belinda will be cutting his hair!
And now on to grape juice.....
So, we normally allow Landon to drink his sippie cup in his room prior to going to bed each night. Dennis had given him grape juice as he has many times before. This night was no different, so we thought. About 10-20 minutes later Dennis goes to Landon's room to get him ready for bed. He says "Lesley you need to come see this". This is normally something Dennis says when Landon does something funny. I was hesitant but then got up from the couch and went to Landon's room. I saw GRAPE! I saw grape juice everywhere!!! On the TV, on the armoire, on the chest of drawers, on the bed, on his linens, on his toy box, and all over the beige carpet.
Apparently Landon wanted to do his impression of Jackson Pollok in the medium of grape juice. Landon had spit his grape juice out all over his room. It was 20 plus spots. Oh my gosh! So two hours on my hands and knees scrubbing and the longest time out of Landon's life, we determined we needed professional assistance. So two days later our friends the carpet cleaners came out and got up the rest of the grape juice.
In the meantime, Landon was punished with no TV the following day, no toys, books, or stuffed animals in his room. I know it sounds drastic but he disrespected his belongings and we couldn't think of any other way to teach him a needed lesson.
We think Landon got it, at least he said he did. I asked him to you get it? He said "I sorry, I get it, I get it". I couldn't help but laugh!
Some History...
Once upon a time... wrong story, sorry.
It all began 8 years ago. After leaving Union University in May of 1999, I began taking classes at the University of Memphis that fall. Dennis and me met in Western Civilization class (I think).
So we began talking and carpooling to class together. Eventually we began dating and became engaged April 7, 2001. We married May 30, 2003 after I graduated from the U of M Loewenberg School of Nursing.
Two short years later, we had our son Landon Grove (born 8/12/2005). He is such a blessing!
And now we fast forward to just a few weeks ago. I began working at St. Jude July 7, 2008. I have blood drawn each month due to some endocrine problems I was diagnosed with in 2004. I went in as usual on July 14th. July 17th, I get a call from my physician who informs me I'm pregnant. What? Are you sure? How can this be? All of these questions and more I continued to ask for about 5 minutes. July 21st, we see the "baby doctor" to confirm and sure enough, we were 6 weeks pregnant!
The next week or so was a blur as I was in shock. A good shock though. So I guess that 1% that birth control doesn't work is true! A true sign and blessing from God this little one is meant to be and in HIS ultimate timing!
Now, if it only is a girl....... :)
It all began 8 years ago. After leaving Union University in May of 1999, I began taking classes at the University of Memphis that fall. Dennis and me met in Western Civilization class (I think).
So we began talking and carpooling to class together. Eventually we began dating and became engaged April 7, 2001. We married May 30, 2003 after I graduated from the U of M Loewenberg School of Nursing.
Two short years later, we had our son Landon Grove (born 8/12/2005). He is such a blessing!
And now we fast forward to just a few weeks ago. I began working at St. Jude July 7, 2008. I have blood drawn each month due to some endocrine problems I was diagnosed with in 2004. I went in as usual on July 14th. July 17th, I get a call from my physician who informs me I'm pregnant. What? Are you sure? How can this be? All of these questions and more I continued to ask for about 5 minutes. July 21st, we see the "baby doctor" to confirm and sure enough, we were 6 weeks pregnant!
The next week or so was a blur as I was in shock. A good shock though. So I guess that 1% that birth control doesn't work is true! A true sign and blessing from God this little one is meant to be and in HIS ultimate timing!
Now, if it only is a girl....... :)
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