It has begun, Landon has started asking us "why". Oh gosh, I am really unsure if I ready for this stage. They grow up so fast. Today we finally completed Christmas decorations (we have been so busy, we got so behind!). While decorating today it was why this and why that. I am just waiting for the hard questions. Like where do babies come from?
It will be a whirlwind week for us at home and at work. Unfortunately, cancer doesn't take a holiday break. We have been busy bringing in new patients at St. Jude. My heart goes out to the patients and the families. I really hope they can have some peace this Christmas and some joy even through their illness. I thank God for our health as working where I do makes you appreciate the very simple things in life, like going out for a walk without a mask on your face or my son playing with his friends without too much worry of it crashing his immune system.
We are excited to share this Christmas with Landon as he finally realizes who Santa is and what he will bringing him on Christmas morning. He has been singing songs, making reindeer food, and other crafts at daycare.
We hope everyone has a safe, happy, and healthy holiday. Now on to Landon asking us why he can't touch the candles! Once it starts it never ends!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Landon's First Dates
Yes, you read right, I said dates. As in, Landon had three dates last Saturday night to my Christmas party for St. Jude. All three of them much older than his 3 years, but that's ok. Landon even brought each one of them flowers and dressed up for the evening. Meghan (my office mate), Samantha (a co-worker), and Dori (a nurse in the clinic) all were very surprised with their flowers. Landon tried to give the flowers to alot of different people when we first arrived at the party. It was very crowded and an little overwhelming for me and Landon.
When he finally calmed down, he began eating dessert first. He had chocolate all over his mouth. He didn't mind his table manners too well in front of his dates, but they still thought he was adorable anyways.
I think that Landon will do ok in the real dating world much later in life. But it was fun to see him interact and get excited for the party and his dates. He talked about the party all day that day. We were exhausted once home but it was well worth getting dressed up and being around the people I "live" with during the work week!
When he finally calmed down, he began eating dessert first. He had chocolate all over his mouth. He didn't mind his table manners too well in front of his dates, but they still thought he was adorable anyways.
I think that Landon will do ok in the real dating world much later in life. But it was fun to see him interact and get excited for the party and his dates. He talked about the party all day that day. We were exhausted once home but it was well worth getting dressed up and being around the people I "live" with during the work week!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Past the half-way point....
Happy Thanksgiving to all! We are busy, busy getting the house re-arranged and preparing for the holiday season. I have been making lists and checking them more than twice because pregnancy gives you amnesia.
We enjoyed halloween by going to the Memphis zoo for Zoo Boo. Landon loved it. Landon has started counting on his fingers and can tell us how old he is while holding up 3 fingers and then tells us he wants 5 chicken nuggets while holding up his 5 fingers. He is moving up to the 3 year old class room on December 1st, which is yet another milestone for him. He has been waiting to go to that class for a while now but there were too few teachers and too many kids. We are very excited. However, his teachers he is leaving behind are a little sad about the move.
Our last check-up went well. Lou and me are doing well. My blood pressure was good, her heartbeat was good, and she is growing as expected. I think I am growing too much, but the doctor said it's ok. I am now 24 weeks and past the half-way mark. 6 months pregnant and counting. All Lou does is kick me! And these are not loving kicks but more of a resounding reminder she is in there! Oh well, I am hoping she calms down a bit when she arrives. Otherwise, we are going to have our hands full!
I can't wait to enjoy some good food and spend time with family this weekend. We hope everyone else has a wonderful holiday as well!
We enjoyed halloween by going to the Memphis zoo for Zoo Boo. Landon loved it. Landon has started counting on his fingers and can tell us how old he is while holding up 3 fingers and then tells us he wants 5 chicken nuggets while holding up his 5 fingers. He is moving up to the 3 year old class room on December 1st, which is yet another milestone for him. He has been waiting to go to that class for a while now but there were too few teachers and too many kids. We are very excited. However, his teachers he is leaving behind are a little sad about the move.
Our last check-up went well. Lou and me are doing well. My blood pressure was good, her heartbeat was good, and she is growing as expected. I think I am growing too much, but the doctor said it's ok. I am now 24 weeks and past the half-way mark. 6 months pregnant and counting. All Lou does is kick me! And these are not loving kicks but more of a resounding reminder she is in there! Oh well, I am hoping she calms down a bit when she arrives. Otherwise, we are going to have our hands full!
I can't wait to enjoy some good food and spend time with family this weekend. We hope everyone else has a wonderful holiday as well!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Cute Skirt!!!!!
Nicki, my sweet sister introduced me to a very talented lady (via blog) that makes the most adorable baby and toddler clothes. I am really hoping she will be able to do an owl onesie or two for Lou closer to her debut!
Alison is giving away a custom made skirt. In order to enter, you leave a comment on her blog right here;
I really hope she begins to sale them, they are too cute for words!
Alison is giving away a custom made skirt. In order to enter, you leave a comment on her blog right here;
I really hope she begins to sale them, they are too cute for words!
The Sky is Falling...
No, not really. But it is a very good quote from chicken little that is appropriate to use right now. But to get there I have to start at the beginning.
Last week was a big week for me at work. The audit I have been preparing for 2 months finally came to an end on Thursday when the audit took place. Everything went well which was a huge weight off my shoulders. Then on Friday I turned in my last bit of work to UT where I have been a consultant since leaving in July. That was a huge sigh to finally have the second job lifted so I can focus on the baby, nursery, etc.
Friday was a great day at St. Jude. They really do things up for Halloween. Since most of the kids are immune compromised and cannot trick or treat like healthy children, St. Jude brings the trick or treating to them! Every department has a different theme with decorations and of course a candy stop. Kids had 2 and 3 bags of candy each! Some of the themes were Willie Wonka, New York (our department), Harry Potter, Outer Space, Slumber Party, and the 80's (this was in the teen room which was a cool idea). Friday was a good day at work just enjoying all the festivities.
Friday evening I came home to put up some of our decorations. I had fallen behind during the week due to all the preparations that took place for the audit and for UT. Dennis had gotten out the crate of decorations, but the artificial pumpkins (we use these b/c kids like to smash the real ones) that I have carved were in a bag in the attic. All went well until I tried to exit the attic. Part of the attic is floored and part is not. I am sure you can guess where I am going with this. Anyways, not thinking about how unsteady I am being pregnant, I step over the planks (or thought I did) and then my left leg went through the ceiling. I left a thigh size hole in the kitchen above our sink and bar area. After the shock wore off I climbed out and then called Dennis (he wasn't at home yet). When he got home I was crying hysterically trying to clean up my mess. How awful I felt and still feel over the fact I broke our house. As if that wasn't bad enough, Landon came in saw me crying and then he started crying saying he was sorry. The night wasn't ruined but I felt terrible and tried not to cry while we were visiting mine and Dennis' parents.
Saturday morning Landon woke up and asked Dennis "what is that?" (referring to the hole). right now I am calling it a sky light. Now on to getting it fixed.
Last week was a big week for me at work. The audit I have been preparing for 2 months finally came to an end on Thursday when the audit took place. Everything went well which was a huge weight off my shoulders. Then on Friday I turned in my last bit of work to UT where I have been a consultant since leaving in July. That was a huge sigh to finally have the second job lifted so I can focus on the baby, nursery, etc.
Friday was a great day at St. Jude. They really do things up for Halloween. Since most of the kids are immune compromised and cannot trick or treat like healthy children, St. Jude brings the trick or treating to them! Every department has a different theme with decorations and of course a candy stop. Kids had 2 and 3 bags of candy each! Some of the themes were Willie Wonka, New York (our department), Harry Potter, Outer Space, Slumber Party, and the 80's (this was in the teen room which was a cool idea). Friday was a good day at work just enjoying all the festivities.
Friday evening I came home to put up some of our decorations. I had fallen behind during the week due to all the preparations that took place for the audit and for UT. Dennis had gotten out the crate of decorations, but the artificial pumpkins (we use these b/c kids like to smash the real ones) that I have carved were in a bag in the attic. All went well until I tried to exit the attic. Part of the attic is floored and part is not. I am sure you can guess where I am going with this. Anyways, not thinking about how unsteady I am being pregnant, I step over the planks (or thought I did) and then my left leg went through the ceiling. I left a thigh size hole in the kitchen above our sink and bar area. After the shock wore off I climbed out and then called Dennis (he wasn't at home yet). When he got home I was crying hysterically trying to clean up my mess. How awful I felt and still feel over the fact I broke our house. As if that wasn't bad enough, Landon came in saw me crying and then he started crying saying he was sorry. The night wasn't ruined but I felt terrible and tried not to cry while we were visiting mine and Dennis' parents.
Saturday morning Landon woke up and asked Dennis "what is that?" (referring to the hole). right now I am calling it a sky light. Now on to getting it fixed.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Good News!
I had my follow-up appointment on Friday to review the amniocentesis results and for another ultrasound. The amniocentesis results came back within normal ranges showing no signs of Down Syndrome. It looks like everything is ok with our little girl! The amnio confirmed it was a girl as well. So no turning back now, I am in full decorating mode!
The ultrasound was quite amusing. Lou has extremely long legs. Where she got them, I have no idea. The ultrasound tech even commented on how long the legs were. Lou is measuring right on and almost a week ahead in leg length.
Our prayers were answered. Our entire family, friends, and co-workers have been praying for us since the amniocentesis was done two weeks ago. Our healthy girl is on her way. Just about 20 more weeks to go!
The ultrasound was quite amusing. Lou has extremely long legs. Where she got them, I have no idea. The ultrasound tech even commented on how long the legs were. Lou is measuring right on and almost a week ahead in leg length.
Our prayers were answered. Our entire family, friends, and co-workers have been praying for us since the amniocentesis was done two weeks ago. Our healthy girl is on her way. Just about 20 more weeks to go!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Let's Get Cookin'
So this morning while trying to sleep in (not successful I might add), I began thinking of what to have for dinners this week. I like to plan ahead, even though these days being pregnant it is not always the best idea.
I had the time this morning to shop and cook since we are going to the fall picnic service this afternoon at church. Landon even went with me to the store and was my little helper. Of course he got something out of the trip for being so good.
I guess I had a sudden burst of energy because this is what I cooked:
-Italian pasta salad (for the picnic today with enough extra for lunches this week)
-4 spinach and ricotta cheese quiches (2 for us and 2 for work for a belated bosses lunch since my manager decided to go out of town last week)
-Homemade creamy tomato basil soup (this is enough for now, one to freeze, and one for work as well)
-2 applesauce cakes, which are similar to spice cake-the frosting is maple cream cheese (one for work and one for home)
I am sure the energy will peter out soon. But it has been nice to cook again without the thought turning my stomach!
I had the time this morning to shop and cook since we are going to the fall picnic service this afternoon at church. Landon even went with me to the store and was my little helper. Of course he got something out of the trip for being so good.
I guess I had a sudden burst of energy because this is what I cooked:
-Italian pasta salad (for the picnic today with enough extra for lunches this week)
-4 spinach and ricotta cheese quiches (2 for us and 2 for work for a belated bosses lunch since my manager decided to go out of town last week)
-Homemade creamy tomato basil soup (this is enough for now, one to freeze, and one for work as well)
-2 applesauce cakes, which are similar to spice cake-the frosting is maple cream cheese (one for work and one for home)
I am sure the energy will peter out soon. But it has been nice to cook again without the thought turning my stomach!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Clothes, clothes, and more clothes...
After finding out our new bundle of joy will be a girl, I am in clean out mode. Not clean out and throw out, but cleaning out to sell. I have my eye on a few special things for Lou! It is unimaginable how many clothes you can rack up over two years or so for a growing child. We have gone through preemie clothes, newborn, 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months-2T, and even some smaller 3T items!
We are sorting, counting, taking pictures, and bundling the items together to list on craigs list and a few other online sites.
Not only that, we are re-arranging the upstairs so we can move the office to the guest room, then Landon from downstairs in the nursery to upstairs (where the office was). The guest room will be in limbo until another small loft type room can be finished (it is storage for now).
I made the decision that I wanted to go all out for this little girl and re-do the nursery theme in black, white, and hot pink (boutique style complete with high heel and purse mobiles-adorable!). It was a pretty neutral cream and green toile print for Landon. Anyone who knows me knows I am obsessive about matching everything. So the bedding, the high chair, bouncer, bassinet, pack and play, diaper bags, etc all matched. I went as far as to get custom bedding so that everything would be similar for my little guy. Needless to say we have all this extra and need to sell it. So again we are washing sorting and taking pictures.
I have made my first purchase for Natalee Lou and am so excited. It is her new Quinny stroller, car seat, and bassinet or carry cot for the stroller (all so worth the investment). I opted for red for these. I cannot wait to get it! Now to order the bedding from I am so in love with this site! I have found nearly everything to outift the nursery, decor wise from etsy. The cool thing is that most of it is one of a kind and made by some talented individual, too cool!
I guess my break is over. Back to sorting, taking pictures, and bundling. We have a lot to do and belive it or not, less than 130 days left to do it in!
We are sorting, counting, taking pictures, and bundling the items together to list on craigs list and a few other online sites.
Not only that, we are re-arranging the upstairs so we can move the office to the guest room, then Landon from downstairs in the nursery to upstairs (where the office was). The guest room will be in limbo until another small loft type room can be finished (it is storage for now).
I made the decision that I wanted to go all out for this little girl and re-do the nursery theme in black, white, and hot pink (boutique style complete with high heel and purse mobiles-adorable!). It was a pretty neutral cream and green toile print for Landon. Anyone who knows me knows I am obsessive about matching everything. So the bedding, the high chair, bouncer, bassinet, pack and play, diaper bags, etc all matched. I went as far as to get custom bedding so that everything would be similar for my little guy. Needless to say we have all this extra and need to sell it. So again we are washing sorting and taking pictures.
I have made my first purchase for Natalee Lou and am so excited. It is her new Quinny stroller, car seat, and bassinet or carry cot for the stroller (all so worth the investment). I opted for red for these. I cannot wait to get it! Now to order the bedding from I am so in love with this site! I have found nearly everything to outift the nursery, decor wise from etsy. The cool thing is that most of it is one of a kind and made by some talented individual, too cool!
I guess my break is over. Back to sorting, taking pictures, and bundling. We have a lot to do and belive it or not, less than 130 days left to do it in!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Dennis' Adventures in Plumbing...
Our weekend started out at the University of Memphis football game on Friday night. This was Landon's first college football game. I haven't yet been brave enough to take him to an Ole Miss game for fears of him learning the not so clean version of the Ole Miss Hotty Toddy.
We had a lot of fun with Bob and Becca (two of Landon's and our favorite people). Friday after I had the amniocentesis done I asked my OBGYN if it was ok to go to the game. She said it was fine as long as I sat down. I followed doctors orders and had a great time watching Landon dance around and cheer with the crowd (even though he clapped for both teams, it's ok).
Saturday we ran errands in the morning and I came home and crashed. The lack of sleep from worrying over the tests on Friday must have caught up with me.
Sunday we went to church and then halloween costume shopping. We had no luck though. So I guess we will be ebaying it. Anyways, after coming Dennis decided to fix the kitchen faucet which had a leak well , more like an annoying drip. Though he thought the water was turned off completely I guess it wasn't as when he went to test the new part for the faucet, water squirted out of the top and got all over the kitchen. It kind of looked like a geyser going off. At the time not so funny, but now a little humerous. After all of that, my dad came over to see why the faucet when both knobs were turned off water still was running. He came up with a few things. None fixable with the new part. So off to Lowes. We opted for a new faucet all together instead of trying to replace the two parts my dad thought were the issue. We will have Lowes install it, so no stress Dennis!
Dennis did put on the new rain shower head I also picked up yesterday. It really is nice. So thanks honey! Sorry your first go at fixing the sink was bust. Better luck next time (if there is another one).
We had a lot of fun with Bob and Becca (two of Landon's and our favorite people). Friday after I had the amniocentesis done I asked my OBGYN if it was ok to go to the game. She said it was fine as long as I sat down. I followed doctors orders and had a great time watching Landon dance around and cheer with the crowd (even though he clapped for both teams, it's ok).
Saturday we ran errands in the morning and I came home and crashed. The lack of sleep from worrying over the tests on Friday must have caught up with me.
Sunday we went to church and then halloween costume shopping. We had no luck though. So I guess we will be ebaying it. Anyways, after coming Dennis decided to fix the kitchen faucet which had a leak well , more like an annoying drip. Though he thought the water was turned off completely I guess it wasn't as when he went to test the new part for the faucet, water squirted out of the top and got all over the kitchen. It kind of looked like a geyser going off. At the time not so funny, but now a little humerous. After all of that, my dad came over to see why the faucet when both knobs were turned off water still was running. He came up with a few things. None fixable with the new part. So off to Lowes. We opted for a new faucet all together instead of trying to replace the two parts my dad thought were the issue. We will have Lowes install it, so no stress Dennis!
Dennis did put on the new rain shower head I also picked up yesterday. It really is nice. So thanks honey! Sorry your first go at fixing the sink was bust. Better luck next time (if there is another one).
Friday, October 10, 2008
We are thinking....
PINK! That's right we are having a girl! Natalee Louise will be making her debut in March of 2009.
We came about this exciting news in a not so fun way. I received a call from my physician last night at 6pm that one of my blood tests came back as high risk for Down Syndrome. I was scheduled for an ultrasound this morning for screening (to check anatomical features that may represent Down's) and an amniocentesis.
The ultrasound went well with no physical findings consistent with Down's. The amniocentesis, though a little painful went well. We will have to wait 2 weeks for the final results of the test. Dennis, me, and our families have been praying that things will turn out ok. However, we have both (Dennis and me) decided if our little girl has Down Syndrome that this is our challenge and the path God wants us to take. It won't be easy, but our little Natalee "Lou" is such a blessing already and we wouldn't have it any other way!
We came about this exciting news in a not so fun way. I received a call from my physician last night at 6pm that one of my blood tests came back as high risk for Down Syndrome. I was scheduled for an ultrasound this morning for screening (to check anatomical features that may represent Down's) and an amniocentesis.
The ultrasound went well with no physical findings consistent with Down's. The amniocentesis, though a little painful went well. We will have to wait 2 weeks for the final results of the test. Dennis, me, and our families have been praying that things will turn out ok. However, we have both (Dennis and me) decided if our little girl has Down Syndrome that this is our challenge and the path God wants us to take. It won't be easy, but our little Natalee "Lou" is such a blessing already and we wouldn't have it any other way!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The New Addition...
No, not the baby! A few weeks ago we said goodbye to Dennis' car. His mazda had seen better days and needed to be completely retired. After much research and a couple of test drives, Dennis decided on a new car.
Since the car dealerships are overstocked with SUV's and trucks, new inventory in Memphis was hard to come by. We were looking for a crossover, which is not technically a car nor a SUV. We settled on the Nissan Rogue.
The catch was to get what we wanted at the price we had
budgeted, we needed to take a road trip. So off we went one Saturday to Savannah, TN. The 2 hour or so drive wasn't terrible. It was, however, filled with very small towns, very low speed limits, and interesting if not quirky town and creek names. This at least kept me entertained. Such as a business outside of Savannah, "short bus enterprises". I got a laugh out of that one.
Anyways, I digress (pregnancy brain). So after all the "i's" were dotted and "t's" were crossed we had our new car. Dennis is so proud. Of course, I have stolen it a time or two on shopping trips.
So here is the new addition:
I love my car. I am short. My kids, well at least the 3 year old, is not mammoth. For the one still cooking, well that is to be determined. I can still be a cool mommy even though I am a mommy. I am sure most mommies would agree! Hubby so lovingly washed my car this past weekend, so I must show a picture of it.
All in all it has been a busy couple of weeks with doctor's appointments and other activities. Nothing to thrilling or entertaining to report at this time though!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
4 weeks and counting.....impatiently
I went to the doctor on Friday (9/26/08) for my monthly prenatal visit. Everything is going fine. Little owl's heartbeat was 152 and strong. My blood pressure was up a bit, but it was due to the sinus medication I have been on for about 2 weeks (got to love the weather in Memphis right now, everyone has sinus issues).
We went ahead and scheduled my next appointment for October 24th. This also happens to be when my cousin and his wife are due to give birth. They haven't found out the gender, so I am anxious to see this little one (for many reasons). His/her parents will be fantastic!
My appointment on the 24th will also include the "big" ultrasound. We will find out the gender at that time. I am very excited and cannot to see my little owl yet again on the big screen! Of course, my main concern is a healthy baby. But, I would love to find out that it will be a little girl!
So until then I am trying to keep busy (aka-shopping). We delivered a cake I made for a 1st Birthday party yesterday and then I took Dennis to see a couple of dresses I liked (thus the mention of shopping). We also went to see Fireproof last night with our Sunday school group. What a great movie with an even better message!
I got all dressed up this morning in a new outfit for our pastor to annouce our news that we were expecting. He has held off until we told our families. We have missed some Sundays due to morning sickness and general illness. The pastor forgot, so I had Dennis take some pictures of me and Landon (and baby).

So 4 weeks and counting until the "big" day....
We went ahead and scheduled my next appointment for October 24th. This also happens to be when my cousin and his wife are due to give birth. They haven't found out the gender, so I am anxious to see this little one (for many reasons). His/her parents will be fantastic!
My appointment on the 24th will also include the "big" ultrasound. We will find out the gender at that time. I am very excited and cannot to see my little owl yet again on the big screen! Of course, my main concern is a healthy baby. But, I would love to find out that it will be a little girl!
So until then I am trying to keep busy (aka-shopping). We delivered a cake I made for a 1st Birthday party yesterday and then I took Dennis to see a couple of dresses I liked (thus the mention of shopping). We also went to see Fireproof last night with our Sunday school group. What a great movie with an even better message!
I got all dressed up this morning in a new outfit for our pastor to annouce our news that we were expecting. He has held off until we told our families. We have missed some Sundays due to morning sickness and general illness. The pastor forgot, so I had Dennis take some pictures of me and Landon (and baby).
So 4 weeks and counting until the "big" day....
Monday, September 22, 2008
3 years and counting...
Landon had his 3 year old check-up this past Friday. He was such a big boy! No shots this time; thank goodness! Instead of being below the growth chart curve (as he usually is) he is now at the 50th percentile for his age for height and weight!
The doctor bragged on how smart and talkative he was. She looked in his throat, ears, and mouth and he cooperated the whole time! Most kids are itching to leave the doctor's office. He didn't want to leave when were done!
Saturday we spent time with my (Lesley's) mom. Landon calls her Memaw. For those of you with infants and those approaching 1 and 2 years; yes there is a time when children are able to go to a restaurant (other than Chik Fil A and such) and be quiet and eat a civilized meal! I think we have reached that point. No, it wasn't some fancy french place, but TGI Fridays. Landon ate his meal and was quite and didn't pull everything off the table or the blinds off the window. He was so good we braved it again on Sunday afternoon and went out for pizza (Landon's choice). He was good again! I really hope this is the end of take out. Going out as a family was really nice. It was even better because I could enjoy lunch without the nagging reminder of morning sickness (for once)! I am sure Dennis enjoyed that aspect of it too!
The doctor bragged on how smart and talkative he was. She looked in his throat, ears, and mouth and he cooperated the whole time! Most kids are itching to leave the doctor's office. He didn't want to leave when were done!
Saturday we spent time with my (Lesley's) mom. Landon calls her Memaw. For those of you with infants and those approaching 1 and 2 years; yes there is a time when children are able to go to a restaurant (other than Chik Fil A and such) and be quiet and eat a civilized meal! I think we have reached that point. No, it wasn't some fancy french place, but TGI Fridays. Landon ate his meal and was quite and didn't pull everything off the table or the blinds off the window. He was so good we braved it again on Sunday afternoon and went out for pizza (Landon's choice). He was good again! I really hope this is the end of take out. Going out as a family was really nice. It was even better because I could enjoy lunch without the nagging reminder of morning sickness (for once)! I am sure Dennis enjoyed that aspect of it too!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Oh, I forgot...
So the new word Landon likes to use now is NOPE! So in our conversations, this is how it goes:
Landon, do you want mashed potatoes for dinner? "Nope"
Landon, do you want to go to bed? "Nope"
Landon, do you need to go potty? "Nope"
Oh, and he is fascinated with mommy's car. I (Lesley) am so pleased with this one!
He says, "Go in mommy's car?" and "Mommy's car, Mommy's car, Mommy's car" (he usually repeats this more than we would like to hear it, but oh well)
Just had to share. I am sure there is more I am leaving out that Dennis can remember. I guess that will be for another time!
Landon, do you want mashed potatoes for dinner? "Nope"
Landon, do you want to go to bed? "Nope"
Landon, do you need to go potty? "Nope"
Oh, and he is fascinated with mommy's car. I (Lesley) am so pleased with this one!
He says, "Go in mommy's car?" and "Mommy's car, Mommy's car, Mommy's car" (he usually repeats this more than we would like to hear it, but oh well)
Just had to share. I am sure there is more I am leaving out that Dennis can remember. I guess that will be for another time!
The Good News.....
So I received a phone call from the nurse practitioner on Friday afternoon (9/5/08). I didn't have a kidney infection, but was told they thought I had over-done-it recently and needed to rest. I was already at home that afternoon because Ms. Morning Sickness decided to bother me on Friday worse than ever! I went into to work at 7am and stayed until noon. I just couldn't handle it anymore.
I am feeling a little better now. I am officially in the second trimester, so I am hoping morning sickness, fatigue, and all the lovely first trimester symptoms start to decrease.
On the flip side, I really don't have any bad news. So that's good too!
I am feeling a little better now. I am officially in the second trimester, so I am hoping morning sickness, fatigue, and all the lovely first trimester symptoms start to decrease.
On the flip side, I really don't have any bad news. So that's good too!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The week in review...
Well almost, it's not quite over but close enough.
I think I can almost safely say Landon is potty trained! Woohoo! No accidents and he had even stayed dry overnite a few times. I know this seems small but in mommy land this is huge. My baby is becoming such the big boy! Way to go Landon! If all goes well, mommy, daddy, and baby will be giving you another treat on Sunday (matchbox car, he loves them!)
I had an unexpected trip to the doctor yesterday. Everything is ok, but I am still waiting on the final lab report tomorrow. I may have a kidney infection (yippie for me, with sarcasm). So I have been quite uncomfortable and worried since I began having problems on Tuesday. Anyways, the baby is fine. Still measuring a couple days ahead by length at 12weeks and 4 days. They couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler so I had another ultrasound to make sure things were ok. The baby must be an acrobat-swimmer. The reason I say is because the baby was on it's head in a J-shape when we first were looking on the screen. Then the baby began kicking it's feet and moving it's arms like it was swimming. Very funny! So we will wait to hear what the weekend will bring with this possible diagnosis of a kidney infection.....
Work has been busy and I have been given some big tasks for completion by October. I am up for the challenge. I have also picked up quite a few patients. All but one are young and all are too adorable! The older one (a teen) is cute too! I am loving my job and I love working at St. Jude most of all.
Other than the normal pregnancy symptoms, fall TV shows beginning, and trying to figure out what to eat, I guess that's it!
I think I can almost safely say Landon is potty trained! Woohoo! No accidents and he had even stayed dry overnite a few times. I know this seems small but in mommy land this is huge. My baby is becoming such the big boy! Way to go Landon! If all goes well, mommy, daddy, and baby will be giving you another treat on Sunday (matchbox car, he loves them!)
I had an unexpected trip to the doctor yesterday. Everything is ok, but I am still waiting on the final lab report tomorrow. I may have a kidney infection (yippie for me, with sarcasm). So I have been quite uncomfortable and worried since I began having problems on Tuesday. Anyways, the baby is fine. Still measuring a couple days ahead by length at 12weeks and 4 days. They couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler so I had another ultrasound to make sure things were ok. The baby must be an acrobat-swimmer. The reason I say is because the baby was on it's head in a J-shape when we first were looking on the screen. Then the baby began kicking it's feet and moving it's arms like it was swimming. Very funny! So we will wait to hear what the weekend will bring with this possible diagnosis of a kidney infection.....
Work has been busy and I have been given some big tasks for completion by October. I am up for the challenge. I have also picked up quite a few patients. All but one are young and all are too adorable! The older one (a teen) is cute too! I am loving my job and I love working at St. Jude most of all.
Other than the normal pregnancy symptoms, fall TV shows beginning, and trying to figure out what to eat, I guess that's it!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
And the winner is.....
In case some haven't heard, Ole Miss beat the University of Memphis yesterday!!!!!! Needless to say, I (Lesley) am rubbing it in just a bit (sorry Dennis, kind of). Yesterday as a lot of fun! It was hot but we coped. We had a great time enjoying good friends, good company, and yummy food as the old Southern tradition in the Grove continued.
If you haven't ever experienced tailgating in the Grove, it is an experience! The tents in the Grove go beyond what the eye can see (seems to go on for miles). Most are decorated in the red and blue Rebel theme to the 9's. There are chandeliers hung in the tents, more food than you can imagine, and for the first time yesterday I even saw a hired bartender serving guests at one of the tents.
And don't even get me started on the attire for the students at Ole Miss (I could go for days)! But a little taste of it is most of the guys dress in red or blue dress pants, white button downs, and wear a tie or a bow tie in the matching Rebel theme. Some of the pants even have the Rebel mascot on them! This trend seems to be even more the case with the fraternity and sorority pledges (I saw lots of cute Chi Omegas yesterday). The girls wear party dresses (I am serious here folks). No t-shirt and jeans for these ladies. They wear heels that make my feet hurt just looking at them and dresses that are so uncomfortable for the event (cute none-the-less). But, it is all in the sake of fashion as the Grove becomes a virtual catwalk prior to the game.
The day was tiring for this pregnant lady but so well worth it. We look forward to at least attending a couple more this fall (bring on the cooler weather).
And, if the Rebels don't win the game, that's ok. They have never lost a party! Hotty Toddy!!!!
If you haven't ever experienced tailgating in the Grove, it is an experience! The tents in the Grove go beyond what the eye can see (seems to go on for miles). Most are decorated in the red and blue Rebel theme to the 9's. There are chandeliers hung in the tents, more food than you can imagine, and for the first time yesterday I even saw a hired bartender serving guests at one of the tents.
And don't even get me started on the attire for the students at Ole Miss (I could go for days)! But a little taste of it is most of the guys dress in red or blue dress pants, white button downs, and wear a tie or a bow tie in the matching Rebel theme. Some of the pants even have the Rebel mascot on them! This trend seems to be even more the case with the fraternity and sorority pledges (I saw lots of cute Chi Omegas yesterday). The girls wear party dresses (I am serious here folks). No t-shirt and jeans for these ladies. They wear heels that make my feet hurt just looking at them and dresses that are so uncomfortable for the event (cute none-the-less). But, it is all in the sake of fashion as the Grove becomes a virtual catwalk prior to the game.
The day was tiring for this pregnant lady but so well worth it. We look forward to at least attending a couple more this fall (bring on the cooler weather).
And, if the Rebels don't win the game, that's ok. They have never lost a party! Hotty Toddy!!!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Our little owl...
We went back to the doctor yesterday. Everything checked out fine with mommy and baby (owl #2). We had another peek (ultrasound) at the baby and he/she was waving at us. We were 11 weeks and 1 day per my original due date, but the baby was measuring 2 days ahead at 11 weeks and 3 days.
Things have been busy lately with Landon's 3rd Birthday, our trip to Branson, my (Lesley) 10 year highschool reunion (I am old!), and this weekend the opening college football game for us Ole Miss vs University of Memphis. Go Rebels (yells Lesley)! Go Tigers (yells Dennis)! (shh! Ole Miss will win!!!) Yes, we are a house divided!
Anyways, I digress! I have also been doing a lot of research and review on baby stuff and decor. This has of course revolved around the baby being a girl. Not that we know yet, but it's fun to daydream! It makes our wait of another 8 weeks go by a little faster!
Things have been busy lately with Landon's 3rd Birthday, our trip to Branson, my (Lesley) 10 year highschool reunion (I am old!), and this weekend the opening college football game for us Ole Miss vs University of Memphis. Go Rebels (yells Lesley)! Go Tigers (yells Dennis)! (shh! Ole Miss will win!!!) Yes, we are a house divided!
Anyways, I digress! I have also been doing a lot of research and review on baby stuff and decor. This has of course revolved around the baby being a girl. Not that we know yet, but it's fun to daydream! It makes our wait of another 8 weeks go by a little faster!
Monday, August 25, 2008
A great loss...
For those who know me well (Lesley), know I am an avid Dave Matthews fan. Both me and Dennis and my brother Doug had the great pleasure of hearing the late Leroi Moore (sax player for the band) play in 2006 at the Starwood in Nashville. We missed the show last year because Starwood closed and there was no where close to us to see them last summer.
Leroi Moore (46 yrs old) passed last Tuesday 8/19/08 from complications of an ATV accident he suffered in late June of this year. Leroi was one of the founding members of the band and was incredibly talented (beyond what words could do justice). He was recovering in LA and about to begin physical therapy when he unexpectedly had to be admitted to the hospital. Sadly, he did not recover this time.
We were at the show August 2nd of this year at Auto Zone Park. Unfortunately, Leroi wasn't going to be able to play a show until November (that was what his doctor's projected). It is amazing listening to Dave Matthews how much Leroi added. His God given talent to reach people with his music was just phenomenal. He was a mentor to young muscians as well. Right now I think of his immediate family and the band and pray for their peace and comfort. I also think of his extended family, the DMB fans. I know he is already greatly missed by many.
The greatest story I have heard thus far is that the band has kept playing. Even on the night of his passing they played to a somber crowd in LA. Reports from the latest shows have been so uplifting. The band has been playing for Leroi, sharing stories, and exhibiting such passion in their music.
Leroi Moore is a great loss to us all. He leaves a great memento for us all, his music.
Leroi Moore (46 yrs old) passed last Tuesday 8/19/08 from complications of an ATV accident he suffered in late June of this year. Leroi was one of the founding members of the band and was incredibly talented (beyond what words could do justice). He was recovering in LA and about to begin physical therapy when he unexpectedly had to be admitted to the hospital. Sadly, he did not recover this time.
We were at the show August 2nd of this year at Auto Zone Park. Unfortunately, Leroi wasn't going to be able to play a show until November (that was what his doctor's projected). It is amazing listening to Dave Matthews how much Leroi added. His God given talent to reach people with his music was just phenomenal. He was a mentor to young muscians as well. Right now I think of his immediate family and the band and pray for their peace and comfort. I also think of his extended family, the DMB fans. I know he is already greatly missed by many.
The greatest story I have heard thus far is that the band has kept playing. Even on the night of his passing they played to a somber crowd in LA. Reports from the latest shows have been so uplifting. The band has been playing for Leroi, sharing stories, and exhibiting such passion in their music.
Leroi Moore is a great loss to us all. He leaves a great memento for us all, his music.
College Days.....
My baby brother left for college this past Friday. He is attending Middle Tennessee State University. It feels odd to say my baby brother is going to college for a couple of reasons, 1-it even further confirms I am getting older (I may feel 23 at times, but 30 is knocking on my door), 2-my baby brother isn't a baby anymore. I know he hasn't been a baby for a long time, but still it's hard to believe the little guy I used to babysit, take to school, etc. is now a college freshman. I pray he keeps his head on straight, learns a lot, laughs even more, and comes away with one of the best experiences of his life. He deserves it!
Mom and dad are now officially empty-nesters. I wonder how they are feeling today???
Mom and dad are now officially empty-nesters. I wonder how they are feeling today???
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Out on the open road....
We took our first family vacation this past weekend. We left Memphis last Thursday 8/14 and drove to Branson, Missouri. Now, I know what you are thinking, Branson? Don't older people go there? Well, yes and no (I will get to this later).
So off we went on our little journey with Landon situated in the back with the DVD player and his toys, me driving (pregnancy makes me carsick!), and Dennis dozing next to me.
The trip there was fine until we hit rain and mountains and then I was little freaked out. Once arriving in Branson we traveled up the mountains to a resort my parents were staying at. It was really nice. We were tucked away from the main drag of Branson, so it was really peaceful.
Landon opened his Birthday presents (he turned 3 on 8/12) when we arrived. He was so
excited! My dad got him a fishing pole, I think he carpet fished for a good 2 hours that night.
He also got an acoustic guitar. He loves to play my brother's when he visits memaw and grandaddy, so my mom bought him his own. We went to sleep not long after that in preparation for a busy Friday!
Friday morning we spilled the beans! My parents were not aware we were expecting, so Landon put on his "I'm the Big Brother" shirt and showed memaw. It took her a while, but then she asked "are you expecting?". Needless to say breakfast was filled with baby chatter. Later on in the afternoon, Dennis and me played golf at John Daly's course, Murder Rock. It was a lot of fun. We even saw a wild turkey on the cart path!
Landon and grandaddy went fishing. Landon caught his first fish! We are go
ing to have it mounted. I know it sounds a little odd, but Landon is so proud of that fish!
Saturday Dennis, my brother Doug, and me played golf at another really nice course called Ledgestone. Since Doug was a "beginner" I did a lot of laughing. But so did he! It was a fun morning.
Later in the afternoon we took went on a boat ride on Table Rock lake. It was so pretty that afternoon. Landon "swam" in the lake for the first time ever. I say "swam" because he spent most his time glued to my face! .JPG)
Sunday we got up to return home and Landon said go swim? Go catch fish? Go on the boat? I giggled. But it was time to go home. We had a great trip and avoided the "strip" in Branson, for the most part. It was good to spend time with the family and enjoy some time away.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hair Cuts and Grape Juice...
Oh my.
So here's how our week a couple of weeks ago began and ended. On Sunday evening Dennis and me decided it was time for our little man to get a trim. I have done it before when it was just a tiny trim, but he needed a full blown hair cut (he was looking kind of shaggy). So off I went to get the scissors and then needed the electric trimmer with the guard as I was afraid of turning Landon into Van Gough.
Everything was going fine. Landon wasn't liking it much, but what can you do? So Dennis held him his lap and I turned to get the scissors off the counter (safety first) for the last time. As I did this Landon picked up the electric trimmer (remember what I said about safety first?) Turned it on, and proceeded to trim off his left side burn. In a split second it was gone. I mean completely. So I frantically worked to try and fix his "new" style into one people wouldn't question. Such as, "who did that to his hair?", "oh, did he get gum in his hair", "poor kid, some one needs to tell his parents there are trained professionals who can cut his hair". Not that it made it any better really. So Landon now has started a brand new trend in hair styles. Not one I would recommend, though.
From now on, our lovely stylist from the UK, Belinda will be cutting his hair!
And now on to grape juice.....
So, we normally allow Landon to drink his sippie cup in his room prior to going to bed each night. Dennis had given him grape juice as he has many times before. This night was no different, so we thought. About 10-20 minutes later Dennis goes to Landon's room to get him ready for bed. He says "Lesley you need to come see this". This is normally something Dennis says when Landon does something funny. I was hesitant but then got up from the couch and went to Landon's room. I saw GRAPE! I saw grape juice everywhere!!! On the TV, on the armoire, on the chest of drawers, on the bed, on his linens, on his toy box, and all over the beige carpet.
Apparently Landon wanted to do his impression of Jackson Pollok in the medium of grape juice. Landon had spit his grape juice out all over his room. It was 20 plus spots. Oh my gosh! So two hours on my hands and knees scrubbing and the longest time out of Landon's life, we determined we needed professional assistance. So two days later our friends the carpet cleaners came out and got up the rest of the grape juice.
In the meantime, Landon was punished with no TV the following day, no toys, books, or stuffed animals in his room. I know it sounds drastic but he disrespected his belongings and we couldn't think of any other way to teach him a needed lesson.
We think Landon got it, at least he said he did. I asked him to you get it? He said "I sorry, I get it, I get it". I couldn't help but laugh!
So here's how our week a couple of weeks ago began and ended. On Sunday evening Dennis and me decided it was time for our little man to get a trim. I have done it before when it was just a tiny trim, but he needed a full blown hair cut (he was looking kind of shaggy). So off I went to get the scissors and then needed the electric trimmer with the guard as I was afraid of turning Landon into Van Gough.
Everything was going fine. Landon wasn't liking it much, but what can you do? So Dennis held him his lap and I turned to get the scissors off the counter (safety first) for the last time. As I did this Landon picked up the electric trimmer (remember what I said about safety first?) Turned it on, and proceeded to trim off his left side burn. In a split second it was gone. I mean completely. So I frantically worked to try and fix his "new" style into one people wouldn't question. Such as, "who did that to his hair?", "oh, did he get gum in his hair", "poor kid, some one needs to tell his parents there are trained professionals who can cut his hair". Not that it made it any better really. So Landon now has started a brand new trend in hair styles. Not one I would recommend, though.
From now on, our lovely stylist from the UK, Belinda will be cutting his hair!
And now on to grape juice.....
So, we normally allow Landon to drink his sippie cup in his room prior to going to bed each night. Dennis had given him grape juice as he has many times before. This night was no different, so we thought. About 10-20 minutes later Dennis goes to Landon's room to get him ready for bed. He says "Lesley you need to come see this". This is normally something Dennis says when Landon does something funny. I was hesitant but then got up from the couch and went to Landon's room. I saw GRAPE! I saw grape juice everywhere!!! On the TV, on the armoire, on the chest of drawers, on the bed, on his linens, on his toy box, and all over the beige carpet.
Apparently Landon wanted to do his impression of Jackson Pollok in the medium of grape juice. Landon had spit his grape juice out all over his room. It was 20 plus spots. Oh my gosh! So two hours on my hands and knees scrubbing and the longest time out of Landon's life, we determined we needed professional assistance. So two days later our friends the carpet cleaners came out and got up the rest of the grape juice.
In the meantime, Landon was punished with no TV the following day, no toys, books, or stuffed animals in his room. I know it sounds drastic but he disrespected his belongings and we couldn't think of any other way to teach him a needed lesson.
We think Landon got it, at least he said he did. I asked him to you get it? He said "I sorry, I get it, I get it". I couldn't help but laugh!
Some History...
Once upon a time... wrong story, sorry.
It all began 8 years ago. After leaving Union University in May of 1999, I began taking classes at the University of Memphis that fall. Dennis and me met in Western Civilization class (I think).
So we began talking and carpooling to class together. Eventually we began dating and became engaged April 7, 2001. We married May 30, 2003 after I graduated from the U of M Loewenberg School of Nursing.
Two short years later, we had our son Landon Grove (born 8/12/2005). He is such a blessing!
And now we fast forward to just a few weeks ago. I began working at St. Jude July 7, 2008. I have blood drawn each month due to some endocrine problems I was diagnosed with in 2004. I went in as usual on July 14th. July 17th, I get a call from my physician who informs me I'm pregnant. What? Are you sure? How can this be? All of these questions and more I continued to ask for about 5 minutes. July 21st, we see the "baby doctor" to confirm and sure enough, we were 6 weeks pregnant!
The next week or so was a blur as I was in shock. A good shock though. So I guess that 1% that birth control doesn't work is true! A true sign and blessing from God this little one is meant to be and in HIS ultimate timing!
Now, if it only is a girl....... :)
It all began 8 years ago. After leaving Union University in May of 1999, I began taking classes at the University of Memphis that fall. Dennis and me met in Western Civilization class (I think).
So we began talking and carpooling to class together. Eventually we began dating and became engaged April 7, 2001. We married May 30, 2003 after I graduated from the U of M Loewenberg School of Nursing.
Two short years later, we had our son Landon Grove (born 8/12/2005). He is such a blessing!
And now we fast forward to just a few weeks ago. I began working at St. Jude July 7, 2008. I have blood drawn each month due to some endocrine problems I was diagnosed with in 2004. I went in as usual on July 14th. July 17th, I get a call from my physician who informs me I'm pregnant. What? Are you sure? How can this be? All of these questions and more I continued to ask for about 5 minutes. July 21st, we see the "baby doctor" to confirm and sure enough, we were 6 weeks pregnant!
The next week or so was a blur as I was in shock. A good shock though. So I guess that 1% that birth control doesn't work is true! A true sign and blessing from God this little one is meant to be and in HIS ultimate timing!
Now, if it only is a girl....... :)
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